Chapter 17

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Peter P.O.V

I'm worried about Bree. I wonder what got her so freaked out about me bringing up that page.

Maybe I can get her to tell me about it. We need to work on our project anyways, maybe if we need a break from working we can talk. I'll ask her at lunch.

Time skip to lunch

Aubrey P.O.V

I'm heading toward the table where we normally sit. Ned and Michelle are already there. Peter just set his stuff down and is coming over to me. I'm afraid he's going to bring up what happened this morning.

"Hey Bree." He says.

"Hey Pete." I reply.

"Are you okay?" He asks.

"Of course. Why wouldn't I be." I say.

"Well this morning you seemed a little freaked out."

There it is. I knew he was going to bring that up.

"I'm fine." I reply.

"Okay." He had a look on his face. It was like he was deciding something. Deciding whether to believe me when I say "I'm fine" or to ask more questions.

"So anyways, we should probably get together to work on our project again." He said.

"Yeah. We should. How about tonight?" I ask.

"Perfect. My place?"


"Okay. It's a date."

Then his face turned red, realizing what he just said. "Umm...I mean like it's a plan...for tonight....umm...wait not like a 'plan' plan but...umm...never mind." He said.

My face was probably bright red too. I know what he meant, so why am I blushing? Why is this a big deal? Wait.....oh my gosh. I like Peter.

"I'm sorry. I probably made this weird." He says.

"It's fine." I say quietly. "We should probably eat lunch."

I walk to the table before Peter can say anything. He stands there for a minute then has no choice but to come sit.

Me and Peter barely look at each other while we eat.

Well working on a project in his apartment tonight won't be awkward at all, I think to myself.

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