Chapter 39

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Peter P.O.V

She looks so peaceful.

So pale.

So still.

I'm sitting next to her hospital bed just waiting for her to open her eyes.

I take her hand in mine and my thumb traces circles on the back of her hand.

"Kid, why don't you go home and sleep."

I look up to see Mr. Stark in the doorway.

"I don't want to leave her." I tell him.

"I know, but you look awful. You need sleep." He says.

I want to argue but I am exhausted.

"Fine. But if she wakes up call me as soon as she does."

"I will. I feel like somehow you would be back here before your phone even rings twice."

I give Mr. Stark a small smile. "I'll be back later."

"See you then kid."

I go home and I barely make it to the couch before I pass out form exhaustion.


I wake up four hours later.

I look at my phone to check the time and to see if Mr. Stark called.

He hasn't.

That means Bree is still not awake.

I get up and make my way back to the hospital.


Aubrey P.O.V

I open my eyes slightly then stop because I'm blinded by light.

As soon as my eyes start to adjust I open them fully.

I'm in the hospital again.

I turn my head to my right and see my dad sitting in a chair watching the tv.

"Dad," I say.

He looks over, turns down the volume on the tv, and comes over to me.

"Hi sweetheart," he says. "How do you feel?"

I had really addressed the slight pain in my stomach until now. "Like I got stabbed." I reply sarcastically.

"Oh really? I wouldn't have guessed." My dad replies with just as much sarcasm.

We both laugh a little.

"Where's Peter?" I ask frantically. I don't know what else happened after I passed out. What if he's hurt? What if he's-

"Relax. He's fine. I sent him home to get some sleep."

I left out a sigh of relief. "Okay."

"He wouldn't leave your side." My dad tells me. "He must really love you."

"He does. I know he does."

"You really love him?" He asks.

"I do. I really do." And I mean every word.

"Bree." I look to see Peter standing in the doorway.

He's rushes to my side and kisses my forehead.

"Hi Pete." I say.

He looks to my dad. "I thought you were gonna call me."

"I was but she has only been up for a few minutes." My dad says.

"Still that's a few minutes I didn't know she was awake." Peter says. He directs his attention back to me. "You okay?"

I nod. "Never better."


Then I ask the question. "What happened to No Name?"

My dad and Peter look at each other.

"We are in the process of locating him." My dad says.

"But don't worry." Peter chimes in. "He won't lay a finger on you ever again." He says while taking my hand.

I look at him and smile.

Who knew high school would lead to all this? Being kidnapped. Being experimented on. Getting powers. Have my hair turned black.

But the best part I met Peter Parker. My boyfriend, who I love.

If I had a choice to do this all over again, I wouldn't change a single thing.

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