Chapter 24

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Aubrey P.O.V

"So what are we going to do?" I ask Dr.Strange.

"I'm going to train you in how to transport objects through your portals. Then I will teach you how to get them back." He says. "We will start with that for now and see how you do."


"Okay I'm going to give you five objects. You are going to transport them each to a different place. Got it?"

I nod. "Where are the objects?"

He then makes a portal and five different things come out. An apple, a soccer ball, a brick, a shoe, and a trumpet.

Those are some interesting choices. "Why those-" I get cut off.

"Your father really didn't give us a heads up that we were coming here. It's all I got on such short notice." He says.

"Now you can choose anyone of the objects you want and send it to wherever you want, okay?"


I choose the trumpet. I run through a list of possible places I could send it.

I decide on somewhere simple to start. My bedroom.

I concentrate and move my hands in a circular motion.

A portal appears and the trumpet falls through, disappearing.

I close the portal.

"Very good." Dr. Strange says. "Now do the same with the rest."

And I do, sending each object to a different place.

"Okay now bring them back." He says.

"How do I do that?" I ask not having the slightest idea.

"Try and figure it out first. You know the saying "Teach a man to fish" well I'm not just going to hand you a fish. Try to catch one first." He says.


I try to think.

How do you bring them back?

Maybe it's the same process as sending them somewhere.

I try that.

I concentrate on where I sent them and make the motion with my hands.

All five of the objects come back at once and land on the floor in front of Dr. Strange.

"How did you do that?" He asks.

"I just did the same thing I would if I was sending them somewhere." I reply.

"No I mean how did you bring them all back at once?"

"I don't know. Why?" I ask trying to hide the concern in my voice. Was something else supposed to happen?

"They should've come back one by one. I don't understand." He says.

"What's so bad about it?"

"I'm not sure. This just means your more powerful than I thought." He says.

"Oh." I don't know what else I'm supposed to say.

"Maybe you should move on to your other trainings." He suggests.

I nod and go find Vision.

When I find him he explains that we are just going to practice flying today.

And we do that for about 30 minutes. Then I'm exhausted.

Then I go find Wanda to work on my telekinesis.

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