Chapter 32

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Peter P.O.V

I'm going to die. He's going to kill me and I'm going to die.

That's all I can think right now.

I'm going to die. I'm. Going. To. Die. IM GOING TO DIE!

Mr. Stark takes me to a bench in the hallway of the hospital.

"Have a seat kid." He says.

I obey. He sits down next to me.

"So you kissed my daughter, huh?" He starts.

"Mr. Stark I-"

"I'm not done. I want to get a few things straight with you."

"Mr. Stark-"

"Not. Done. You and I are going to have a talk. I'm going to lay down some rules and then we will be on our way. Understood?"

I pause a moment before I start talking to make sure he's done this time.

"Yes sir. Understood." I say.

"Good." He says. "So when did you start liking my daughter?"

"I liked her from the moment I saw her. I liked her even more when I got to know her." I tell him.

His face shows no emotion. He only nods. "Okay. So now back to the kiss." He says. "Did you kiss her or did she kiss you?"

"I kissed her and it was the best thing I ever did."

"Well I'm glad you enjoyed it because it won't be happening again."

"What?" I say.

"You can't be with her." He tells me. "She's already in danger as it is with me being a super hero and her father. She doesn't need to be in more danger with her boyfriend being a superhero too."

I try not to smile at the thought of me being her boyfriend.

"But Mr. Stark please. I've never felt this way before." I say.

"We can't risk it kid. I'm sorry." He says.

"I promise I'll protect her. Give me a chance. Please." I beg.

He looks at me then sighs. "Fine. One chance. But only one chance. You blow it you two are over. Got it?" He says.

"I got it." I say.

"Just do me a favor. Don't kiss her in front of me. Or at all. Not at all would be good too." He says getting up.

I nod and get up as well.

We walk back to Bree's room.

She looks relieved when I walk in.

I walk over to her.

"Hey I'm glad he didn't kill you." She says laughing.

"Me too."

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