"I Will Always Be There For You." One Direction Fan Fic. <3

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Chapter 1

Hi, my name is Sarah Kay. Let me just say, I'm not the most "popular" girl in my school. I'm not on the cheer team. I am by far not the best when it comes to having fashion sense. I have braces, red hair, and I don't do any sports which is because I am not coordinated, at all. There are a couple things I am good at though. Like I won 1st place at the school's spelling bee for the 3rd year in the row. I'm also in the school's plays. Oh! And I'm also President of the Chemistry Club! Well, I guess you could just say I'm a nerd. But you know, nerds are unique, and sooner or later when the kids who have bullied us through out our school days are just going to be the ones living at home with their Mom or still borrowing money from their Daddy's wallet. While us "nerds", well, we're going to be the people who grow up to become successful later on in the future.

I walked over to the usual lunch table where I sat with my usual group of friends which wasn't really considered a group since I only had two and they went by the names of Harry and Louis. I've known Louis since 2nd grade when we both tried out for the school play. He's very competitive I guess you can say, but he also takes every chance he can get in order to tease you, but jokingly of course. Unless you're Tom George, then he just does it out of hatred. Harry on the other hand, I've known him since preschool. Our Moms both work at the same hospital together saving people's lives each and every day. We've always been real good friends. Both of us made a promise in kindergarten that we would never leave each other no matter what and have kept that promise ever since.

"Hey guys! What's up?" I questioned as I placed my tray of food down and took out my straw to put into my orange juice.

Harry replied, "Nothing much, just checking out those cheer leaders over there. Oh how I wish I could be with one of them. Too bad I'm stuck with you two."

"Well then, that wasn't harsh or anything. And Lou what are you doing?" I asked looking in the same direction as him. He was spotting one of the teachers wearing a pair of Gucci sunglasses.

"Pshh, doesn't she know those are totally fake? I mean come on, it's obvious." Louis smirked as he took a bite out of his apple. 

"Well, maybe she doesn't expect a teenage boy like you to notice that kind of stuff.." Harry replied questioning Lou's sexuality.

I just smiled and giggled as I kept eating my pizza. Harry and I always wondered about Louis' sexuality ever since he questioned my outfit in 4th grade at the Winter party on which I was wearing a plaid shirt with striped socks and he was wearing his Mom's hot pink high heels, but he said it was to be funny and it was so I'll always love him anyways no matter what.

"So, you guys are going to participate in the school play this year right? You're gonna support your girl Sarah here right?!" I said as I pointed to myself.

"Who's Sarah again? Is it a girl? Or a boy?" Harry and Lou both laughed knowing I would take it seriously.

"Fine, don't come." I said knowing they were just joking.

"Come on Sarah, since when did we not go to any of your school performances? And espacially for Drama? Have you see the new Drama teacher she's BANGIN'!" Harry announced very excitingly.

Louis and I just looked at each other and then looked at Harry knowing that something was wrong with him.

"What? She is!" Harry exclaimed as we all just laugh and kept eating.

From the corner of my eye, there he was.

Zayn Malik.

Boy, was he hot or what. 

I had no chance with him though what so ever, so there was no point in talking to him. He was just standing there with his friends being the hottie he is.

&quot;I Will Always Be There For You.&quot; One Direction Fan Fic. &lt;3Where stories live. Discover now