Yoko Lee-August 30th

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One of my teachers gave me this diary as a goodbye present when I left my school. It's been in my backpack ever since.... I'll start writing in it now.

Dear diary,

Im not really sure exactly what I will write about... Maybe just life...and some thoughts. I'll tell you about myself.

My name is Yoko Lee. I am currently 12 years old but turning 13 in November. I have black hair, brown asian eyes, and I'm really short... I'm only 4'9" Some things that you should know about me.... I LOVE music. I have been playing the piano since I was four. I also play the flute at school and I recently picked up the guitar. I'm teaching myself other than the few days at music camp that I learned. It's not too hard to learn once you know how to read tab and chords... I also had to save my money to get my guitar... (with my parents, you get nothing for free unless its your birthday or Christmas) At first I wanted to get Eastman something (don't remember) It was because it made a pretty sound and also my flute(Kyungsoo) is Eastman. After about a year, I realized it would take me FOREVER until I have enough money to get it. After all, it was $299.99 CAD. So I went to the music store and looked at the guitars again. Then I decided to get the Beaver Creek BCDT601. Which was only $129.99 CAD. 3/4 size(because I'm short) acoustic, Enough about Hoya (yes, I named my guitar after Hoya)

If you haven't noticed yet, I LOVE kpop. My favourite bands are EXO, Infinite, and SHINee. My biases are D.O., L, and Onew. I have an addiction to Kyungsoo, L, Eric Nam, Ailee, and Hoya... Onew, he's different:)

About my life. I was born in Canada, moved to Hong Kong when I was like eight months old or something because my grandpa had a stroke(happily, he survived). We actually meant just to visit but my parents decided to stay. I don't remember much of that though. Anyways, when I was six I moved back to Canada. In the Hong Kong school system, the age cut for what grade you are in is in September. In the Ontario school system, it is in January. So basically in Hong Kong I was still in Kindergarden and when I moved back to Canada in March, I was in grade one.

Enough about me. I'll tell you about my family. I live with my parents, my uncle, older sister, older brother, and younger brother.

Dad: coolest dad ever. Awesome and amazing. Doesn't get annoyed with my constant blabber about kpop.

Mom: coolest mom ever. Even likes kpop too!!!!

Kelsey: TERRIBLE she's 16 years old and wears WAY too much makeup for her age. Constantly doing her nails. I mean, there's no problem with doing some nail art (I like to do my mom's nails) but she has to do her nails every single day. This is her: "OMG YOKO GUESS WHAT???? I GOT NEW NAIL POLISHES!!!" *in the middle of dinner* "omg mom, dad, I have to go, I chipped one of my nails" "OMG MY LITTLE BROTHER IS SOOO ANNOYING AND DON'T EVEN TRY TO GET ME STARTED ON MY LITTLE SISTER, LIKE UGH"

Akira: Not too bad. 15 years old. But he confuses me. Sometimes he's nice. He lets me play Minecraft Survival Games with him. But sometimes, he's REALLY cranky and hates me... I guess we're pretty close though

Jose: Also not too bad. He's 6 years old. Gets a bit annoying sometimes. Typical brother:) we're also really close

Uncle Ad: basically a 9 year old living in a 50 year old body. Don't have to say anymore.

In a few days, I'll be starting in a new school: Brooklyn Junior High School. I'm REALLY nervous. Diary, if you don't know, I'm really shy. I'll be starting grade 8 which means that I went to a different junior high before this. So it's not like everybody is new. Everybody might already know each other... I moved to a new house because our old one was a bit small... I HAD TO SHARE A ROOM WITH KELSEY. I was basically dying from the smell of nail polish remover. Our new house isn't too much bigger, but it has 4 bedrooms but Akira and I have our own rooms in the basement. We still have to unpack. My room currently looks like a small room with beige walls, boxes covering one wall, a rock hard matress lying on the floor, and an EXO poster and an Infinite poster on the wall that I put up so my room looks more lively. The only thing is that I have to share a bathroom with Akira. But when I think about it, after sharing a room with Kelsey, sharing a bathroom with your brother is nothing. I'm gonna miss my neighbor Grace. We were like best friends. Well, we still are. We promised to keep in touch and we'll visit each other as much as possible. She is a really hyper child. I'll tell you about that later. My hand is getting tired. I gotta go pack my school bag anyways.

Yoko Lee, Over and out


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