Yoko Lee-September 3rd

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Dear Diary,


I just got back home from school. My school is only a 10 minute walk from my house. I'll tell you how my day went:)

So I woke up at 7:30am and laid in bed mourning over the fact that school was starting. Then I went on my phone and texted Grace for a bit. She started school today too.

15 minutes later, fell out of bed and rolled to the washroom door. After about 2 minutes of lying on the floor like an idiot, I stood up, opened the door which was UNLOCKED and walked into the washroom to see Akira showering.

We both yelled and I ran out of the washroom. I decided to forget about showering and do it after school. It was quite disturbing...

Imagine, your fifteen year old brother, showering at like 7:45am when he doesn't even have school, naked, no shower curtain, and- ... I'll stop now... 

I went upstairs to the kitchen and poured out some Corn Flakes and milk into a bowl. After I ate, I went back downstairs and got changed. I wore a plain black t shirt with a white hoodie with the Infinite symbol on the front and a pair of jeans.

I went back to the washroom and MADE SURE THAT MY BROTHER WASN'T STILL SHOWERING. I went inside and brushed my teeth and washed my face.

Then, I put on some Nature Republic Acacia Hand cream. FYI, I didn't buy that cream just because it was D.O's choice.<------- lies.

I brushed my hair and tied it into a ponytail. I reached to the corner of the counter to where I kept a plate full of bracelets that currently looks like a blob of cord and wooden beads... I grabbed the friendship bracelet that Grace gave me, and my two rosary bracelets that my mom bought me when I went to see the Myeondong Cathedral in Seoul.

I looked at my Étude House SHINee perfumes that I share with my mom lined up on the shelf. Today, I chose Taemin's Miss Sunshine perfume, sprayed it in the air and walked through while breathing it in like Amber from f(x):)

I checked my clock and realized that it was already 8:30. I grabbed my black canvas EXO backpack, ran up the stairs and maybe tripped on the way... I was about to put on my shoes when I realized I forgot my phone.

I fell down the stairs, ran to my room, got my phone and ran up the stairs(for the millionth time), put on my shoes, turned on Everybody by SHINee on my phone, and left.

I'm very satisfied with myself because on the way to school, I didn't

1.get lost

2. Trip and fall

Brooklyn Junior High is a really big school. It has 3 floors and is connected to Brooklyn High School by a little bridge thing.

I went in and was greeted my a blob of 12 year olds that were like one foot taller than me.

We were split into groups of 10 and a couple of teachers gave us a tour of the whole school. I'm pretty positive that I am gonna get lost tomorrow.

We were assigned our lockers. Turns out we have two lockers. One for regular classes and another for Phys Ed.

Then, we were given our time tables. We have 4 classes a day-one hour and forty five minutes each. Here's my time table:

Day A

9:00 Phys Ed

10:45 Lunch

11:15 Math

1:00 Band

2:45 History

Day B

9:00 Science

10:45 Lunch

11:15 Geography

1:00 Band

2:45 English

I didn't meet the teachers yet. I hope that they aren't scary.

The day was pretty boring... The tour of the school took like half of the day. Then, we got to try the caf food for free. I think that I'm fine bringing my own lunches... The food was GROSS.

I tried the pizza and there was like this giant puddle of grease on the plate. IT DIDN'T EVEN TASTE GOOD. LIKE THE CHEESE WAS TERRIBLE!!!!!!!!!! I could rant about the quality of the cheese and all it's terrible imperfections!!!! But I wont because my hand is tired and I'm too lazy...


(but that one was gross)

The rest of the day was really boring and I forgot what happened... Oh... I wandered around the school to find out where all of my classes are. I forgot already though... I'll have fun getting lost tomorrow...

I also made a "wonderful" discovery. All of my classes except for Phys Ed and band are on the second and third floor while my locker is on the first floor. THAT'S WONDERFUL RIGHT???? I'll have to carry my books around all day!!!!

Now I have to shower and eat some food. Then, I have to play Minecraft with Jose.

I will write tomorrow after my hopefully decent day at school.

Yoko Lee, over and out


A/N: Hope you enjoyed this chapter!!! It's my favourite so far:) I know it's really random but I'm still thinking of a really good story line (I don't want this to be one of those cheesey school stories with the "populars and stuff... But I might still put them in... I dunno... comment if I should put them in pwease:)).

So right now I'm just making sort of an intro that hopefully won't drag on too long.

I'm also writing randomly cuz was yet again stuck on a plane for the third time this summer!!!yay... Oh well... It's worth it:)


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2014 ⏰

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