Chapter 3

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I slip it on over my shoulders
It's someone I'll never get over
It makes me feel a little bit
To you
-Hoodie,Hey Violet

Dowoon had gone through the day, feeling a little better, but still not better. He had continuous thoughts about what happened before in the bathroom. It started to bother him and he kept asking himself questions.

Why did I react like that?

Does he still hate me?

What if he-

"DOWOON!" The teacher yelled at him,causing him to snap back to reality. Dowoon sighed as the teacher continued the lesson. He barely paid attention to the class,but tried to so he wouldn't get in trouble. After class,Dowoon went to meet up with some of the lower class men who he talked to,until Jackson approached him.

"Dowoon, what happened with you and Wonpil in the bathroom?" The older male asked. "Why do you need to know? " Dowoon asked Jackson ,not wanting to talk about it.

"Please tell me what happened "

"But I don't want to "

"But Wonpils upset-"

Dowoon glared at the student council vice president ,shutting him up almost immediately. Dowoon picked up his bag and sighed,leaving the room to go eat lunch with the others in the library,but when he got there,he was surprised to see that they weren't in the library. Dowoon walked to the cafeteria, still no sign of them. He rounded the corner out to the court yard and stopped as he saw the other boys talking to Wonpil. He teared up a little bit before leaving to find Jeongin and his friends.

The lone drummer found the younger boys and sat with them,crying a little bit. The oldest kept asking him what happened but,Dowoon didn't want to say anything to them. Minutes passed and Wonpil walked into the cafeteria, alone. Dowoon didn't bother to look at him as his phone buzzed.

Jae is chicken little

Chicken little
Yo Dowoon come to the court yard


Chicken little
Just get your butt out here


Dowoon put his phone away and got up and went out to the court yard to meet up with the other boys. The boys sat under the one lonely tree in the corner of the court yard. "What do you want? " Dowoon asked as he sat down by the boys.


t was pretty obvious that Dowoon had cried before going to the court yard. His cheeks showed tear stains, his tone was soft and sounded like he had broken down, and his eyes we're a little puffy.

"Dowoon, have you been crying? " Sungjin asked.  "N-no!  Why would you ask that?! " Dowoon lied, but the others knew he had been. Dowoon sighed and looked down.

"Yes.... I was crying... "

"Why? " Younghyun asked

"Why do you need to know? "

"Just tell us Dowoon"

"Then why were you guys talking to Wonpil? "

The boys went silent as Dowoon finished talking to them.

"How'd you know? "

"I walked out here when you guys were talking to him, then I went to the cafeteria"

"We were just talking to him, ok? "

"About what? "

"Dowoon please calm down" Jae said. The younger boy sighed and nodded. He talked with the boys through the lunch period, not mentioning Wonpil at all. When the bell rang, they all went their separate ways to class. Dowoon thought as he walked to his class.

Did I hurt him?

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