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Katherin's P.O.V

In the morning when I woke up. I did what I did yesterday. I got up and I brushed my hair and I brushed my teeth. I wasn't quite hungry yet so I went back to sit in the bed. I sat in the bed and just looked at the ceiling. Someone knoked and I got up to answer the door. When I opened the door a bellboy stood there with a brown boy. I looked at him wondering what it was , but I wasn't going to find that out just staring at him now was I?

"Eh hem" The bellboy said.

"Oi I'm sorry I've been staring out into space."

"It's alright miss." "Erm, this is for you it was sent this morning."

"Oh ok thank you."

"Your welcome." Said the bellboy leaving

I read the white taped paper to it. It said to Katherin Blair. From EyeMart. Oh right my contacts. I opened the box and there they where. I rushed too the bathroom and put them on. Wow did I look different or what? I decided to wear them today. My eyes felt weird. I wanted to rub my eye but I couln.t I needed to get used to the feeling of it in my eye. I went to lay on my bed. I was falling asleep when I heard my phone ring from the other side of the room. I just goaned loudly while letting it ring and making it go to voicemail. It just kept ringing, so I got up to answer it.


"Oh James stop it.Your too funny.Your sucha bad boy hehehe" A female voice came through the other side of the phone call. Tears started coming to my eyes. How could he just call me to listen to his make out session with some girl. What happened to he loved me and all that he told me was it all just a lie? I heard shuffeling around. I was discusted and I wanted to hang up, but a part of me was telling me this was just a bad joke that he wouldn't do that to me but proof had me onn this one. "Lisa, Move!" I heard what sounded like James. I knew he wouldn't do that to me. Hope was brought back to me. Until I heard "Oh good idea so I'll be more comfertable. I broke out into tears and hung up. I couldn't take it anymore He was just playing with my feelings. How could he?

____________________ James's P.O.V ____________________

"Oh James stop it. Your too funny. Your such a bad boy. hehehe" Lisa said while annoying the hell out of me.

"Lisa move!" I said trying to push her off of me.

"Oh good idea so I'll be more comfertable."

" No Lisa I want you to move far away from me. I am in love with someone else."

" UGH, James but your so hot u deserve someone better than that loser friend of yours. I'll make you so much happier. Either way she is gone and never coming back. So either you kiss me back and love Me and ONLY ME or you will regrett it James Emeraon." Lisa said now getting angry. Okay this all started in lunch when I was now eating with my friends. My best friend jermyy came up to me saying I was Lisa's new target. I didn't want to take anyone's crap today and I went up to her and her groupie. I Called her out for her to come with me. She looked at her friends saying something about "Told you girls" I just ignored her. I dragged her outside to the field where most kids hung out after lunch. She giggled behind me. I rolled my eyes of what she thought we were going to do. I turned around to talk to her when I said "Listen I nee-" "I know what you need." She gave me a kiss. I stood there shoked. I couln't make out of what was going on. I pushed her not hard enough to hurt her but push her but to make her stop. I would never hurt a girl. '' What the fuck do you think your doing?" "I am giving you what you want." " I want you to leave me alone. I wanted to bring you here to tell you I don't want to be your next 'Target'. I am not some toy Lisa. I want to call kat. I love her. Nothing will make me change my mind." " Oh James stop it. Your so funny" Yeah You heard what happened already. Which brings me where I am now. " What are you gonna do? Huh? Tell the whole school to hate me? Have fun with that. No one is going to believe you why should they your a lying whor-" I stopped from finishing my sentence. She was crying. Lisa Heart was crying. Wow she does have feelings. "Wh-Why a-are yoou uhm crying?" I said looking at her. What am I supposed to do? She just became a human water pipe. " Uhm Lisa what's wrong?"

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