Three days later

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"The King is dead! Long live the King!" A herald proclaimed
I looked at my brothers and Lizzie
"No! No!" I said feeling tears slipping down my face
My uncles bowed down to Edward
"Your majesty what is your command?" The council asked
He looked at me and then at his councilors
"Tatianna she can't leave the castle without an escort" He said to his councilors
I looked at him shocked and gasped softly
"Edward that's unfair!" I said looking at him
"Your the one who keeps on escaping from the palace" he said looking at me
I glared at him
"Majesty" I said curtsying then walking away
He looked at me shocked
I walked into my sister Mary
"Mary how are you?" I asked her
"I'm well sister" she said looking at me
I nodded my head and walked away from her
I saw Chapuys and looked at my uncle Edward

"The King is dead! Long live the King!" A herald proclaimedI looked at my brothers and Lizzie"No! No!" I said feeling tears slipping down my faceMy uncles bowed down to Edward"Your majesty what is your command?" The council askedHe looked at me an...

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"Uncle?" I asked him
"Yes my darling niece?" He asked me
"Did I kill my mother? Did she die because of me?" I asked him
"No Tatianna you didn't kill your mother and she died because god wanted her to watch over you and your brothers" he said firmly
I looked at him and smiled
"Thank you my lord uncle" I said softly and I curtsied then walked over to my companions
"I wish to dance" I said looking at them
They smiled and led me to the dance floor
"Tatianna you're going to have to dance with Anne,Katherine and Jane" Alice said
"Alright then Alice" I said smiling

I looked and saw my brothers clapping
I looked at my ladies and smirked
"Girls, I have an idea" I said softly then I whispered it in their ears
They giggled softly
"Brilliant Tatianna absolutely brilliant" They said happily
I walked up to my brothers
"Henry, Alice wants to dance with you" I said looking at him
He looked at me shocked and nodded then headed towards Alice
I looked at my brother Edward
"When do I go to Spain?" I asked him
"You'll meet Philip and go there when your eleven my dearest niece" my uncle Edward said
I looked at him and glared at him
"I asked my brother not you uncle" I hissed at him
He paled as white as my linen sheets
I curtsied then walked away
I sat down next to Mary and Elizabeth
I saw a boy walking over to us
"Elizabeth would you like to dance with me?" The boy asked her
She looked at me and Mary then nodded her head
My brother Edward walked over to me
"Tatianna would you like to dance?" He asked me
I nodded my head softly
He grabbed my hand and he walked us to the floor
"Sister why where you rude to our uncle?" He asked me
I looked at him and he looked at me
"Brother I don't trust our uncle" I said looking at him
He looked at me shocked
"Why?" He asked me
"Well he seems to want me to go to Spain a bit early and wants you and Henry to be betrothed and to me it seems suspicious" I said looking at him
He nodded his head softly
I curtsied to Edward
"Good night brother" I said curtsying

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