Our wedding

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~~~A couple months later~~~
I looked at Philip and smiled softly
"Hello Philip" I said softly
"Go to your chambers my darling" he said softly
I nodded my head softly then walked off to my chambers and I looked into my chambers seeing my mothers dress

~~~A couple months later~~~I looked at Philip and smiled softly"Hello Philip" I said softly"Go to your chambers my darling" he said softlyI nodded my head softly then walked off to my chambers and I looked into my chambers seeing my mothers dress

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I smiled softly and giggled softly
I walked over to my ladies
"I can't believe I'm going to be married!" I said happily
~~~After arriving at the church~~~

"I, Tatianna, take thee, Philip, to be my wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part, according to God's holy ...

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"I, Tatianna, take thee, Philip, to be my wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part, according to God's holy ordinance; and thereto I pledge thee my faith and pledge myself to you I plight thee my troth." I said softly
"I, Philip, take thee, Tatianna, to be my wedded wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part, according to God's holy ordinance; and thereto I pledge thee my faith and pledge myself to you I plight thee my troth." He said looking at me
He placed the ring on me
"With this ring I thee wed, with my body I thee worship, and with all my worldly goods I thee endow: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen." He said smiling
"I promise to cherish,love and obey Philip for as long as I shall live. I promise to be Bonny in buxom at bed and board" I said
"I pronounce you man and wife" the priest said
He leaned in and kissed me passionately

~~~At the feast~~~I saw my brother smirking at me"Princess Tatianna and Prince Philip shall dance" he said looking at meI looked up at Philip"Princess Tatianna shall we" he saidI curtsied to Philip "We shall Prince Philip" I said smilingHe took my...

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~~~At the feast~~~
I saw my brother smirking at me
"Princess Tatianna and Prince Philip shall dance" he said looking at me
I looked up at Philip
"Princess Tatianna shall we" he said
I curtsied to Philip
"We shall Prince Philip" I said smiling
He took my hand and I smiled softly at him
Edward and Henry looked at me
"Play La Volta" Philip said smirking at me
I looked at him and smiled shyly

I curtsied to Philip
He bowed to me then we rose
"Philip?" I asked him
"Yes my darling?" He asked me
I looked at him
"May I retire for the evening?" I asked him
He nodded his head
I kissed him softly before walking out of the hall
I walked into my chambers and my ladies grabbed my nightdress and dressed me

I laid on my bed then slowly I closed my eyes softly and fell asleep~~~Philips point of view~~~I watched my wife leave the hall and looked at her brother Edward"You may go Philip" He said looking at meI walked out of the room and to my wife's cham...

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I laid on my bed then slowly I closed my eyes softly and fell asleep
~~~Philips point of view~~~
I watched my wife leave the hall and looked at her brother Edward
"You may go Philip" He said looking at me
I walked out of the room and to my wife's chambers
I opened the door and saw her asleep
I smiled softly at her and kissed her forehead softly
I heard her stirring softly
"Philip?" She asked me
~~~My point of view~~~
I looked at Philip
He chuckled softly at me
I kissed him softly he got up and took off his breeches and shirt then my dress
He pinned me to the bed and thrusted inside of me
I gasped softly
"P-Philip!" I moaned softly
He looked at me and smirked
He took himself out then thrusted inside of me again and did it over and over again
I moaned softly
He groaned
"Your so tight!" He said to me
"Philip I'm going to-" I started before he pressed his lips firmly against mine
I felt him twitch inside of me then felt something warm going into my womb
He pulled away from the kiss
I looked at him
I yawned softly
"Your tired" he said softly
"My lord husband may I sleep?" I asked him
He nodded his head softly and I closed my eyes

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