Chapter 4 - Good Girls Bad Guys

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A short haired blonde woman laughs as August Blows up a building. "That will show them!" She laughs again. "So August what are we waiting?"

"Quite Dimaria!" August orders. As a hundred soldiers storm out of the last standing building, the castle, of the country "(Y/n)."

"Right. I'm on it." The (h/c) man gets of of a rock, and stands in front of August and Dimaria. "Formula 28!" Three purple Magic circles appear, in a single line, in front of him. The (h/l) haired man smirks as a powerful explosion goes of and a massive shock wave kills all of the approaching soldiers, but one. The soldier runs back into the castle.

Dimaria laughs. "Bring the whole thing down!"

"With pleasure." (Y/n) grins again, and a giant purple magic circle opens underneath the castle. Three magic circles open on both sides of the castle, and a magic circle opens above the castle. "Formula 100." The Magic Circles erupt in a sphere of pure purple magic energy, that causes a massive earthquake. The dust settles and the castle, that once stood proudly, is now a pile of rubble.

"Once again, excellent work (y/n)." August praised.

Dimaria stared in awe of (y/n)'s strength.

"Y-you... m-monster." (Y/n) turns around to see a kid and his mother.

"Y-y-you three turn our country in nothing all by yourselves." The mother stammered out. "W-w-why?"

"Because..." August cut (y/n) off.

"No survivors." August blurted out. "Now!"

Dimaria looked down, analyzing (y/n) for a moment, as he held the small boys limp body in his arms. "(Y/n)."

"Dimaria come along." August ordered as he walked away.

"(Y/n)?" Dimaria questioned.

"He... he was just a child... he didn't have to die... He didn't have to DIE, August!" (Y/n) lays the boy down and stands up. "August! He posed no threat to us! Or our country!"

August stopped, and his skin darkened. "That boy had to die. Lord Zaref Said no one from this country lives."

"I don't care what Zaref Said. This boy, didn't have to die." (Y/n) creates a magic circle in front of himself. "I won't forgive you for killing this boy."

August holds up his right hand, still covered in the boys blood, and draws symbols in the air. "Formula 28." Three magic circles appear in front of August, and a massive cylinder of magic energy surrounds (y/n) before creating a massive explosion, that creates a giant shock wave that shakes the ground.

"(Y/n)!" Dimaria shouts as the dust settles revealing a wounded (y/n).

"You're a Strong wizard (y/n), but don't forget your place. I taught you that magic, and if need be I will kill you with it."

Dimaria rushes to (y/n)'s side, and begins to shake him. "(Y/n) wake up. (Y/n). Wake up. Wake up (y/n)."

"Dimaria, five more minutes okay."

"Dimaria... who's Dimaria?"

(Y/n) rolls over and opens his eyes, and shouts. "Natsu! What are you doing here?"

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