Chapter 15 - Abyss Break

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Shades fly from the Phantom Lord base, and start to attack members of the guild. "(Y/n), we can handle these things." Wakaba says, as I punch straight through one of the shades, destroying it. "You just get Lucy out of here."

"I'm not going anywhe..." Lucy turns around, and I pop a watery bubble in her face. I catch her before she hits the ground.

"Reedus, I'm needed in this fight. You take Lucy to safety." I turn back around, and throw a fire ball at a shade, as I notice Natsu and Happy flying towards the cannon. Destroy that cannon Natsu, I'm counting on you.

"(Y/n) look out!" I duck as Cana destroys four shades, that were behind me. "They won't stop coming." Cana says as we stand back to back destroying more and more shades.

"This is starting to irritate me." Blue flames cover my fist, and I thrust it forward, creating a torrent of flames that destroys six shades.

"You could say that again. The Prayer's Fountain!" Cana jumps up and throws a blue card on the ground, and three beams of water shoot out, impaling more shades.
A shade hits Cana before she could fall back to the ground, but I catch her before she lands. "Good catch."

"I've always been good at catching pretty things."

"If I didn't know any better, I'd say you're flirting with me."

I smirk, and set her down, before quickly spinning around, and put my arms out to my sides. "Water Barrier." A bubble of water surrounds Cana and I, as ten shades fly into it. "Storm Shredder!" I swipe my hand sending blade shaped pockets of pressurized wind, cutting a number of shades in half.

"What is that?" Cana stood next to me, and watched, as the number of shades begin to die down. I looked up to see that Phantom Lords base has transformed into a giant robot, and is drawing a magic circle.

"What kind of spell is it about to cast?" Macao asked.

"Whatever it is it can't be good." Cana answered.

"It's not good, it's worse then the Jupiter cannon." I state.

"What is it then?" Cana asked.

"Abyss Break."

"Abyss Break?" Cana shouted. "That thing will level the entire town."

"I know, we need to stop it."

"How are we going to do that?" Macao asked.

"I'm going to defeat Master José."

"Master José, But He's one of the Wizards Saints." Cana, had concern in her voice.

"Don't worry I'll be fine." I grin as I become surrounded in a yellow aura, and dash towards the walking base. I run across the surface of the water, and up the robots leg. I am glad this thing stopped moving. I continue to run up the robot until something wet grabs my leg, and throws me to the ground. I pull myself up, and see a blue haired girl staring at me. "Who are you?" Why the hell is it raining?

"Drip drip drop." She walked forward. "I am Juvia Lockser, of the Element four."

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