Chapter 26 - Return of the Satan & the God

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"Levy how close are you to cracking this thing." Natsu punches the barrier.

"I'm not happy about being trapped in here either, but calm down, she's working as fast as she can." You place your hand on Natsu's shoulder. "Laxus, isn't going to get away with this. Dimaria is currently looking for him, and when she finds him... well let's just say I'm glad I'm not Laxus." Natsu calms down a little and walks back to the other side of the guild. "You got this Levy, just keep working hard, I believe in you."

"Thanks (y/n). You're doing an amazing job at staying calm."

"That's on the surface." You stare through the barrier as you spoke. On the inside I'm a wreck, I have to stay strong. I have to stay strong for myself, for everyone, right now Fairy Tail needs some strong to lead them.

"Almost done, (y/n)."' Levy writes a little more, but as she writes something comes across the barrier.

You read a loud. "Juvia Lockser vs Dimaria Yesta."


"Your responsible for this aren't you?" Dimaria slams her fist against the barrier that held her and Juvia captive. "If you are let us out, or I'm going to ram my fist down you throat."

"If either of you want out, you'll have to battle each other."

"I'm not playing your stupid games snot hair, either let me out or you won't live long enough to regret it."

"The rules are final." Dimaria glares daggers at Freed.

"Fine, if that is how it must be, then I'll do this." Juvia's  body becomes water, and she begins to jump up the walls of the barrier.

"What in the hell are you doing?" Dimaria shouts.
Without answering her Juvia crashes into the floating orb in the sky, shattering it, and she is immediately struck by lightning. "Juvia!" Dimaria catches Juvia as she cascades towards the ground. "What in the were you thinking, that thing could have killed you."

After a few gasps, Juvia faintly spoke. "I... I just... wanted people to accept me as part of... Fairy Tail... and to be my friends..." Juvia begins to lose strength.

"I'm sure they have..." Dimaria looks down at the weakened and sad expression on Juvia's face. "And I'm definitely your friend." Juvia smiles as tears roll down her cheeks before she falls unconscious. "Rest up..." Dimaria lays Juvia on the ground. "I'll make sure they all pay for this." Her glare once again fixated on Freed. "You think it's fun to force friends to fight each other?" Dimaria walks towards Freed, each of her steps cracking the ground beneath her. "Luckily I'd never willingly harm one of my friends. Unfortunately for you, you're nothing but a waste of precious oxygen, to me." Dimaria's magic power surged and she kicked Freed sending him flying back.

At the Guild Hall

"It's done!" Levy shouts as she stands up, and the barrier begins to fade away, but before it fully fades, an announcement rolled across. Dimaria Yesta defeated Juvia Lockser. Dimaria what did you do?
"(Y/n)? You okay?" Levy peered into your eyes gaining your attention. "We need you (y/n), you might be the only one able to stop Laxus."

"R-right sorry." You start to take off but Levy stops you.

"(Y/n)..." Levy looks at you for a moment and her cheeks become a light shade of pink. "Just please stop Laxus."

"I promise I will."

Back to Dimaria and Freed's Fight

"Stop running and take you ass kicking like a man." Dimaria jumps off a rock, and tries to grab Freeds leg, but he flys higher into the air. "Stop acting like a bitch, and fight me!"

"If you want a fight that badly I'll give you one." Freed begins to swing his sword. "Dark E...." Freed was cut off by a rock smashing into his face knocking him out of the air.

"I'm not playing games with you." Dimaria grabs him by his jacket collar and head butts him causing him to stagger back.

"What kind of pers..."

"Enough talking!" She cuts him off again, this time with a kick to his jaw. Freed crashes to ground holding his mouth. "Get up pretty boy, I'm not through with you." She picks him up, by his shirt, and punches him in his stomach. He double over and spits out some blood as she lets go of him. "You forced an entire guild to fight each other." She kicks Freed over, and share glares holes straight through him. "You forced friends to fight friends, just because some blonde jackass through a tantrum." She grabs Freed but his shirt again, lifting him up so that his eyes meet her venom filled glare.

"W-who are y-you?" Freed barley manages to speak.

"You and I have been properly introduced, I'm Dimaria Yesta, a former members of the Spriggan twelve." Dimaria's magic power surged again. "After I tear you limb from limb, your boss is next."

"T-that w-won't happen."

"What was th... Ahh!" Dimaria dropped Freed as she quickly wiped her eyes. "You Bastard, you through dirt in my eyes."

"Dark Écriture: Pain." Freed Strike Dimaria with his sword, but instead of leaving a cut purple letters appear.

"What was that supposed to d..." a purple aura surrounds Dimaria, and she lets out a blood curdling scream as she drops to one knee.

"Dark Écriture: Suffering" Freed Swipes his causing more letters to appear on Dimaria, screams out in agony as the pain grows, causing her to collapse to ground.

"Dark Écriture: Fear." Freed swipes his sword once more, and more purple letters appear on Dimaria.

She lets out a hellacious scream as she claws. "P-please, p-please j-just end this..." fear begins to swell her mind, as she continues to scream.

"Not as high and mighty now are you?" Freed readies himself. "I'll end your suffering." Before he could swing his sword, writing the runes, and loud voice echoes.

"FREED STOP THIS!" Freed turns to see Mirajane carrying a weakened Elfman. "It doesn't have to end this way Freed, you're still apart of Fairy Tail, you don't have to do this."

"The opposite in fact, because we are both apart of Fairy Tail, that means we are both apart of this battle of the guild, and only one of us can walk out the winner of this." Freed turns his attention back towards, a now barley standing Dimaria.

She takes a few deeps breaths and pants. "I-is t-that the best y-you can do?"

Freed grits his teeth. "Dark Écriture: Dea..."

"Freed! Fight her like a real man!" Elfman yells stopping Freed.

"Stay out of this Elfman. You've already been eliminated, don't intervene!"

"Can't just sit back and watch you kill, a member of Fairy Tail." Elfman pushes himself off of Mirajane and charges towards Freed.

"Then you'll die too!" Freed strike Elfman in his chest with his sword, but like with Dimaria, instead of a cut or a slash mark, purple runes appear. "Dark Écriture: Pain!" Elfman yells out as a purple aura surrounds him. "Dark Écriture: Suffering!" Elfman drops to the ground crying out as he clenched his head. "Dark Écriture: Fear!" Elfman began to panic. "Dark Écriture: Death!" Before Freed could finish his final spell the sound of two booming voices cut him off.

"STOP THIS!" Dimaria and Mirajane both screamed as there magic power erupted, their combined power, shaking the ground beneath their feet. "TAKE OVER!"

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