Unique or Freak?

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an·​os·​mia | \a-ˈnäz-mē-ə

Partial or complete loss of the sense of smell.

I have lived my entire life without a sense of smell. People always ask me what it's like. I don't know how to describe it. I guess I smell "air," but I doubt that's even possible. I've never thought of my anosmia as something that hindered my lifestyle. I understand that I some of my experiences will never be the same as everyone else around me. I don't know what my food smells like. I don't know if something is burning on the oven or stove unless the smoke alarm goes off. I didn't know that food I ate from the fridge was actually expired until I get a stomach ache.

But, how does this make me a freak? How does being different from the majority give people the right to look down on me, to pity me, to mock me. I am no different from you. I am human. I have feelings. Why do you push me down when I get up? Why must you put me down for not being like you? What did I do to you?

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