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A week before in Atlas Academy

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A week before in Atlas Academy

F/N was listening eagerly in class, after a few hours the bell rang.


Academy Speakers: "Calling the Attention of Mr. F/N L/N, please proceed to the headmaster's office."

F/N was confused and wondered why he was called. He then proceeded.

After moments later he arrived, after the doors opened, he saw General Ironwood glaring at him while sitting on his chair and resting his arms on his desk.

F/N: You called me Sir James Ironwood?

James: Yes, come closer.

F/N went closer in front of Jame's desk.

James: Elite.

F/N: Sir!

F/N salutes.

James: Do you know why I didn't assign you into any teams yet?

F/N: err... Is it because I'm not good enough to be in one?

James: *grins* It's the other way around actually. None in Atlas Academy is good enough for YOU.
You're not an Elite for nothing.

F/N: I am honored Sir! .... But why did you call for me?

James snapped his fingers. Penny Polendina, Ciel Soleil, and Rei Taurus came out of the other room.

James: I'd like you all to meet your new member to complete the team. He is F/N L/N, same age as you but skills may differ, of course.

Penny: SAAA-LUUU-TAAAATIONS! I am Penny Pollendina! Nice to meet you Mr. F/N!

Ciel: I am Ciel Soleil, I believe you're the son of Fiora Laurent and Johannez L/N. From Atlas Old mantle street 12th block. You have (your blood type), born on (birth date), You're top in your class with a general average of 99.7 and you're SINGLE. ...
Meoooow (she says intimately)

F/N was surprised and his eyes grows wide. He shook hands with her.

Rei: And I'm Rei Taurus, the leader.

Rei: And I'm Rei Taurus, the leader

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