7 - Cold as Weiss

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Last time on Cold as Weiss:

"Weiss: F/N... 

She holds F/N's shoulder but it was flicked away by F/N.

F/N: ...Do what you want

He looked over his shoulder, Weiss saw him that he was in tears.

F/N walks away

Weiss looks down..."

(Let's get right into the chapter!)


Team RPC(L) Dorm room.

The door opens slowly by F/N with a sad look and tears on his cheeks.

Rei: You're out already?

Penny: You heal so quickly!

F/N: (depressingly) ... yeah
F/N just continues walking towards his room with an expressionless face.
Just as he took grasp on the door knob--

Rei: Hey F/N, sorry about yesterday... I uh (scratches the back of his head) I didn't knew, Ciel told me everything. I apologize dude. Sorry for being a dick.

F/N: It's fine...

F/N opens the room door and went inside then closes it.

Ciel: (yelling) Hey are you gonna eat dinner?! (normal tone) F/N?

Penny: Can't wait to see you in action tomorrow my friend!

Still, no response.

Everyone looks down and sad. They look at each other with worried faces and hoping F/N will be better soon.

Next day morning (Vytal Festival)

F/N: (Yelling) Hey! Wake up! We got a  big day today. Eat up, gear up and be ready!

Everyone got out of bed then they all saw F/N had already showered and all suited.

Rei: (yawn) I thought I was the leader... Alright everyone prepare.

So they all geared up and be suited for their upcoming battle.

They went out of the dorm room and walked in the corridors.

Team RWBY and Team RPC(L) met and stopped walking.

Yang: Hey guys!

Ruby: Hi F/N!

Rei, Ciel, and Penny Smiled and replied a wave. While F/N gives an emotionless face and just gives a slight nod.

Weiss: H-hi F/N (she rubs her left arm)

F/N: (Plain and low) ...Ey...

He said it without even looking at Weiss and continues to walk while his hands are in his pocket as his suit case  bobs from his strab.

Everyone got silent, F/N's foot steps fills the silence in the corridor and the grumble of Ruby's stomach startles everyone except for F/N.

Ruby: s-sorry just hungry hehe...

Yang: When did he become so cold?

F/N: Hey... Don't pause there, let's eat.

Rei: Right... Let's go guys.

Penny: See yah Ruby, Blake, Yang and Weiss.

Ciel: I will intervene with you later.

So they Catch up to F/N and went to the cafeteria.

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