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                                FOUR; PANIC

8:51 AM

Somehow majority of the class had heard Lee's realization, and they weren't taking it well.

"Hey! Is she right?" Alex called out.

"Yeah, so shut the fuck up." Mr. Pinkerton growled. There was no use lying to them when they already knew the truth. He was surprised how well most students were taking it, acting calmly and not freaking out.

Maybe the reason the whole class was calmer than expected was because they remembered all of Mr. Pinkerton's stories of being in the RCMP. Most of them could only imagine the kind of kick ass he could dish out.

Mr. Pinkerton had already begun to make a blockade against the door with chairs and desks. Too many in the room were far too paralyzed to help. Lee however stood up and began carrying desks to the door and stacking them up.

Mr. Pinkerton smiled sorrowfully at the lone student who was helping.

Lee's mind was flying with ideas of how to stall whoever was in the school. A lot of them were horridly stupid, like digging a hole in the ground with a pencil and crawling to safety. The more she thought of pencils the more an actual idea began to form.

If an attacker did end up coming through that door they would need to either defend themselves or hide. Lee looked around the room. She silently cursed her teacher for not having a supply of book shelves or decorations. Instead she went to his desk and began digging through the drawers. She sighed in relief when she found what she was looking for.

Lee pulled out a class set of scissors and began to make her way back to her cowering peers. With a quick look behind her she saw Mr. Pinkerton give her a nod encouragement, obviously proud of her spur of the moment survival skills.

When each student had a pair of scissors in their hands they began to catch onto the idea of what Lee had in mind; protect yourself. They also caught onto the idea that, yes, this was actually happening.

Before anyone else could take course with the next plan of action a loud explosion shook the building. None of the people in the room needed 7 years in the RCMP to know that a bomb was just set off somewhere in the school.

"We're all going to die." Someone wailed into the dark. Everyone subconsciously held their makeshift weapons tighter.

"Out of suffering have emerged the strongest souls; the most massive characters are seared with scars."

-Kahlil Gibran

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