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It was 9:12 when the screams started. The shrill screams echoed all the way down to the ears of the students in room 201. Moments after the shouts of terror there were gunshots fired.

The students in the room began to cry. They could only hope that no one was hurt, or dead. Deep down, even if they refused to believe it, they knew that there were casualties.

Maybe it was a friend? A brother? A sister?

A few people took out their phones and frantically began to text their families, telling them what was happening and that they loved them.

Hunter had tears streaming down his face, but was determined not to make a noise. He needed to stay strong, for Lee. For he knew that even though Lee always acted though, she was currently an emotional mess inside.

"Class, listen up. If anyone gets in the room I want you to do anything you can to protect yourself and your classmates. I intend to make sure each and every person in this room makes it out alive, but I can't do that without your help." Mr. Pinkerton's feet made a light padding noise as he paced back and forth in front of all the quivering bodies. He really did intend to protect all of these kids with his life, for he knew if he didn't he would never be able to get rid of the guilt that came with each body. Mr. Pinkerton wanted to be able to walk out of the school and be see that the scum bags who had the balls to put siege to a school were apprehended.

One of the girls in the class let out a low howl as she continued to cry. Everyone in the room turned to watch her as she bit down on her curled fist to muffle her cries.

The sight of people crying made Hunter's heart clench uncomfortably. He felt as if he could throw up. With each deep breath he took he felt himself losing the ability to remain calm. Hunter's emotions were in stilling him with utter terror.

"Lee? You know that you're my best friend right?" He whispered as more tears fell down his face.

"Yeah, now shut the fuck up, we are going to be fine." Hunter may have believed her words, but she didn't.

"Are you still going to text your Mum and Dad?" Hunter asked in a small voice. He didn't want to do it and make it seem like he had lost hope in the situation but he just had to let them know.

"Yeah." Lee confirmed. For the first time since the whole ordeal had started Lee let out a small tear. She frantically whipped it always and reached for her phone. Hunter as well fished out his black iPhone.

9:31 Lee: the school is in lockdown rn, someone is shooting up the building. im not sure if i will come home tonight. i just wanted to let you know that i love both of you with all of my heart and im so sorry about all the times i fucked up. i love you more than anything and I couldn't ask for better parents.

9:31 Mum: Lee, don't even joke about something like that

9:32 Mum: Lee, what's going on

9:32 Dad: Are you alright?

Lee didn't have time to type a reply before another round of gunshots racked through the air. More screams echoed and Lee knew that people had just died.

9:35 Lee: i think im going to die

Lee turned to Hunter.

"I love you, Hunter."

Hunter was slightly shocked, Lee was never one to show much emotion, she liked to keep things bottled up. Sarcasm and profanities were usually her shows of typical affection.

"I love you too, Lee" He leaned over and placed a kiss on her forehead. His face buried deeper into her hair. He couldn't imagine if anything happened to his best friend.

It had taken months of softening Lee up to the point were they were comfortable with each other. Since then they couldn't be separated. Lee was the sister he never had.

Hunter pulled Lee even closer to his trembling body.

"We will make it out." Hunter whispered gently. Lee wasn't as sure though.

"Unfortunately, a super abundance of dreams is paid for by a growing potential for nightmares."

-Sir Peter Ustinov

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