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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀SIX; WAY OUT


By this time at least three more rounds of shots were fired. The scariest thing was that it seemed like each round came from different sections of the school, and in such a time that meant that more than one person was lighting the place up.

The students still clung to each other as if the person they were attached to was their life line.

Lee had laid her sanity aside so that she could try and think clearly. It wasn't working very well.

Then there was more shouting, but this time it was different. Actual voices could be heard.

"Just jump out the window, room 201 was always empty."

"What about Jimmy? If he finds out we left he'll kill us as well."

"Fuck Jimmy, he won't make it out alive."

Then the door handle started to shake.

"Fuck man, it's locked!"

"Try harder! It's our only fucking way out!"

Each student now had their scissors raised in defence. Some could barley see through their tears, but were determined to fight with everything they had.

A single shot was fired at what was assumed to be the lock. The door opened the slightest. Laboured breaths seeped from the crack and into the room that was deadly silent. The light that came from the hallway wasn't much, but it seemed blinding in the dark space.

With a shove the door was wide enough for a body to fit through. The makeshift blockade didn't do much to protect anyone. If anything it only gave more time to install fear.

A figure squeezed through the door.

"Hurry up!"

Another figure followed.

Neither of them noticed all of the teenagers lined against the wall or the teacher that loomed behind them.

In a flash Mr. Pinkerton had grabbed the gun of the one perpetrator. In the confusion of the attack the second one didn't know what to do. They hadn't expected anyone to be in room 201.

Hunter's insides twisted as he watched the three men battle. He wanted desperately to jump in and help, but his body was locked tightly.

A shot echoed and few people in the room screamed. More screaming occurred when one of the bodies fell limp to the ground.

Lee however could still see the large build of Mr. Pinkerton as he continued to fight the only one standing. Soon the former RCMP was on top of the shooter, beating the shit out of him. Again and again Mr. Pinkerton smashed his head into the ground. Only when the second body fell limp did he stop his attack.

Mr. Pinkerton got up from his spot on top of the now dead body and went to close the door. As he set his hand upon the wood the hallway lighting illuminated his bloody hands. Whether it was his own blood or the other two's, no one knew.

One girl was still screaming shrilly, as if she had no clue that their teacher has become victorious.

"Shut the fuck up." Alex spit at the girl. They didn't need for more of the shooters to come. For it was now painfully obvious that more men lurked around the school with guns set in their hands.

The bodies of the fallen were being dragged over to the far corner of the room, away from everyone else. The guns were taken off the two men, and now both resided in each hand of Mr. Pinkerton.

"I object to violence because when it appears to do good, the good is only temporary. The evil it does is permanent."


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