| nine |

231 11 3


10:09 AM

No one had time to move before this man was walking over to the first people in his path. Lee and Kai.

A handful of Lee's dark hair was wrapped around the mans bloody fingers within seconds. Lee refused to flinch or even cry out.

While most people in this situation would be frantically trying to get away all Lee could think about were her fellow peers. She wanted to do everything she could to somehow save them.

But how could a teenage girl defy evil when not even an ex RCMP could?

Even with a gun pressed against her temple Lee was strangely calm. And this pissed off the man.

"This one is first, speak now or forever hold your piece." He growled.

He knew in his heart that in these situations as badly as someone wanted to say something, they were too paralyzed with fear to mutter a string of words. The way his victims would cower against each other only made the blood in his veins flow faster and finger press a little more firmly against the trigger.

Lee couldn't even comprehend what was going on. She was numb.

"Fine, I'll give you all a countdown. Let's start at 10, eh?"

Lee's head bobbed up and down as she agreed to his statement. That pissed him off even more. How dare she test his patience as he held a gun to her head?

"10, 9"

Lee still refused to show fear. This drove the shooter into a deeper fury.

"3, 2"

He skipped down the timeline, closer to his target of 1. He couldn't wait to blow the head off of this stupid girl.


The shooter lost his focus as he looked up to see who had interrupted.

A boy with colourful hair stood in front of him.

"Put her down." Hunter threatened. He didn't know what finally set him off. It could have been the fact that his closet friend was a second away from being murdered before his very eyes.

Hunter was a lot taller than the man who seemed to hold power over the whole room. The only difference between the two, is that one had a gun and the other didn't.

"Oh, you want to be the hero, do you?" The cruel man laughed. His face contorted into a half grin and half look of disgust. The smirk tattooed on his lips had to be a sign that he was satan himself.

Lee was harshly shoved to the side and Hunter could finally feel his lungs fill with air for the first time since danger entered the room.

The moment of peace didn't last long before the gun was pointed towards Hunter.

As the trigger pulled back to meet with the body of the gun. Lee lurched forwards and clawed at the attackers face.

She didn't turn around to see if Hunter was okay, instead she put her energy into hurting the man beneath her.

Anyone could pick a fight with her, but anyone who tried to lay a hand on her friend was dead. So she proved that as she continued to hit the man.

The sound of the gun going off once again made Lee reach for it and rip it out of his hands. Lee took the gun and wrapped her angry fist around it before smashing it into the devil's face. Again and again she went at it.

It wasn't until blood covered her completely that she was finally pulled off the unmoving man.

Lee's heart was still pounding as she tried to break free and hurt the man even more.

It wasn't until someone whispered something in her ear did she snap out of her fit if rage.

"Stop, he's dead."

Only then did Lee begin to really cry. She cried harder when she didn't feel Hunter's arms wrapped around her.

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