Chapter 1 - The Drummer

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[Author's Note:

        I know some of the scenarios in this story is irrelevant to the real thing that happened to them. This is all fiction and if some parts of this stories are real, it may be a coincidence or something. Haha. Enjoy! Also, I always put picture on each chapter along with the songs I use on the story. I don't own the pictures and songs I use! ]

A Walk to Remember, a movie that I'll never get tired of. I'm in my room, watching it for the Nth time. It's on the part wherein they were practicing for the play. I was so serious in watching it with my earphones on when an annoying boy startled me.


"Are you watching that movie for the millionth time?" my best friend asked.

"Do you have a problem with that?"

"Yes, your mom wants us to do the groceries with her. Get your ass off that bed and change."

"Give me a minute." and I watched the movie again. No one can interrupt me while watching a classic movie. It's illegal.

"No, you get up right now!" he shouted, I ignored him. "Okay then, I'll do it the hard way." What is he up to now?

Calum, the most annoying best friend in the whole world, pulled my feet and I immediately grabbed on to my bed but he was too strong so I let go and my body slammed on the floor. Of course this asshole will laugh. It really hurts! I curled up into a ball. I was tearing up and when he saw me, he kneeled on the floor and approached me.

"Does it really hurt?"

I tried my best to stand up. "What do you think?" Then I kicked him in the stomach.

"Ouch!" he cried.

I looked for my jeans and totally ignored him. Good thing my bathroom was outside my room so I didn't have to talk to him and ask him to leave my room.. When I was done changing, I went straight to mom, not even bothering to look at Calum but he approached me and I tried my best to avoid him but he hugged me by my back.

"Hey, I'm sorry. You know I didn't mean that. It was a joke."

Breaking away from his hug was useless, he was too strong. "A joke?! Dude you pulled me off of my bed and I fell! And you laughed instead of helping me! Let me go!"

"I honestly would've laughed at you too if I saw that." My mom mumbled and I rolled my eyes.

"Gemma, come on. I'm sorry." Calum said as he was trying to kiss my cheek but was jerking my head. He's disgusting for trying to kiss me.

A few more tries and he was able to do it. I was finally able to break away from his hug. "Ew Calum! That's disgusting! Why did you have to do that? What is wrong with you?!"

"Forgive me or I'll do it again." he replied, smirking.

"You know what, you guys look good together. You should try dating sometime." My mom said

"Okay! I forgive you! Just stop doing that and ugh, Mom! Never in your wildest dreams. I would never date someone who pulls me off the bed and laughs at me when I fall. I'd be stupid if I did that." I said, still wiping off Calum's kiss on my cheek. Yuck.

"Okay, okay. Let's go before that girl rages off." Mom said and I rolled my eyes once again.

As soon as mom unlocked the car, Calum and I looked at each other and we know what's gonna happen. I tried my best to run but he went first. Bye bye shotgun. This has always been a competition to us and we actually score it. It started since we were 12. We were also accompanying mom to do the groceries that time. We love going with her because she'd always buy us ice cream and yes, up until now that we're 15, we still play it.

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