I am a Dragon!!

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I never would've thought my ancestors could conquer the Seven Kingdoms, yet they did. The Targaryens had it all; lands, titles and dragons. Yet they fell, The Dance of the Dragons had killed all the dragons off until Daenerys Targaryen did the impossible and brought the dragons back into the world. My ancestor Aegor fought against the Dragons and their treachery. The throne belonged to Daemon yet it was cheated from him. I'll restore the REAL Dragons to the throne, the Blackfyre's maybe gone but I still remain, I have the blood of the dragons in my veins and it is I who will claim the Iron Throne from the Lannisters, those filthy, perverted, inbred fucks taint my throne.

"My lord. A Westerosi by the name of Euron Greyjoy is here demanding to purchase the company".

"You better not be wasting my time with this Westerosi Maekar or your head will decorate my wall am I clear" I snapped back with heavy authority in my voice. I might only be 16 and weaker than most people but I am brave, a formidable fighter, strategist and duelist.

"As you wish my lord. I promise he will not disappoint you". Maekar stuttered, worrying I would take his head.

I walked down the corridors of our fort to the throne room where I sat upon my throne and waited for Lord Greyjoy. When he entered the room I could tell from the start that man was a right royal cunt.

"Would someone mind fetching your commander and telling his glorified chair warmer to get out of his seat" that prick Greyjoy said to me he should consider himself lucky I decided to receive him.

"Lord Greyjoy may I present Aegor Bittersteel commander of the Golden Company and the last dragon" Maekar introduced me to this insolent upstart.

"That.... is the commander of the Golden Company. My cock is fatter than him. I don't know how inbred you fucks must be to accept that as your commander" Euron said in a chuckle.

"I might be skinny but what I lack in strength I make up for in fighting and strategic skills" I calmly replied to Euron. "Now I don't need to remind you this, I can easily plow my sword in your chest faster than you can blink. So I suggest we get down to business. We don't come cheap and I expect the offer to be at least 700 dragons before we'll even consider working for your queen".

"As wish commander. But before I continue how can I be sure you're a Bittersteel. From what I've heard Aegor Bittersteel had no children and that the Bittersteels were no dragons".

"Observant. Very good Greyjoy. I am decedent from Aegor Bittersteel. He had 1 son whom he hidden so none would ever know. Yes I am a dragon my ancestor Aegor was decedent from king Aegon Targaryen the forth of his name. Aegor's wife was Calla Blackfyre so yes I am a dragon, two dragons to be precise and before you even ask about my sigil. The horse is of my ancestor's mother's house Bracken and the dragon wings of house Blackfyre" I responded to Euron's interrogation.

"Very well. I offer you 700 dragons and no more" Euron spoke giving me his insulting offer.

"You dare insult me Euron!! No one mocks the Golden Company. Give me one reason why I shouldn't kill you
MYSELF"!!! I shouted in wroth slamming my fists onto the arms of my chair and shot up out of my chair.

"Yes I dare. But I have one offer you can't refuse because it is more than a million gold dragons" Euron mentioned his proposal to me. "How would you like to kill Daenerys Targaryen".

"Sold. Gather the men we sail for Kings Landing. At last the false dragons shall be eradicated from existence and my family's position restored" Euron's proposal was worth more than a million gold dragons, it was worth a red dragon, the last red dragon.

"I'm going to visit Lucifer before I go head to the docks I'll meet you there".

"My lord Lucifer is old he won't last much longer. Why waste your time with him,you should send him on his way" Maekar said interjecting my command.

"Lucifer has served my family faithfully for years. I will not hesitate to kill you Maekar if you say something like that again. You might be my friend, you might be my most loyal soldier but I will kill you if you say that again. Now go before I do fucking kill you".
After paying Lucifer a visit I headed down to the docks. Lucifer doesn't have much time left in this world due to his age but I expect him to stick around for a little while longer. Before I headed to the docks I grabbed my swords. The noticeable of the pair was the Valyrian Steel Sword Steel. Which was forged for me personally on my 14th name day. Then theirs my pride and joy, the reason I've never lost a battle, my Valyrian Steel Armour which I call Dragonsteel. This rare set of armour is worth 5 golden companies and I have the honour of carrying such a relic. It brought me great joy despite the fact I never showed it. Such is the reason I was called Aegor. Just like him I have purple eyes, black hair and I never smiled or laughed not even a chuckle or a smirk once in my life. Not once had I regretted it.

My men were arrayed on my flanks waiting for me to embark on the ships bound for Westeros. Euron was waiting for me I'm surprised that cunt of a octopus was still here.

"You're still here I expected your slippery octopus cunt to be half way back to Westeros by now".

"I'm a kraken you little shit, secondly I'm here to make sure our arrangement is kept you fuck stain" Euron sternly said right to my face.

"First octopuses and krakens are the same to me. Secondly we don't need to have you alive to maintain our contract we could slit your throat and throw you overboard and we'll say it was a fucking accident. Finally unless you want to find fucked up one of the world's best fighters I suggest jeep in your mouth or you'll end up losing your tongue" I sternly spoke to Euron our eyes inches away from each others.

We stared each other down until Maekar ordered the men to embark and set sail to which I turned around headed to the bridge of my ship. The mighty flagship Bracken. Today shall be remembered as the day the Golden Company began their cull of the Dragons.

Hey everybody I hope you like the story for it's intro. This is my first GOT book I've been watching GOT vigorously to get a sense of the show and how everything should be set. I hope it's good enough for your liking if you experience problems with this story I'd appreciate the notice. A good writer always tends to problems of their readers. Feel free to leave comments on the books and the sections in which you think were bad or good and let me know if I've missed something or if I could make it better.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 05, 2018 ⏰

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