Chapter 5. No More

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Aniyece - 17

Tyrese - 21

Jazmine - 19

Jordan - 20

Anthony - 19

Jennifer - 17

Kamora & Kamani - 18

Audrea - 20


I burst into the door. My heart was racing and my body was shaking.. On the drive here all I could think about was who would do this to Ty. He's so perfect he never had problems with anyone. I tried to scratch some people up that he might have made upset in the past but nothing. No one came to mind. I was real high and I didn't know what to do.

I ran to the front desk. "I'm here to see Tyrese Depina" the lady looked up at me then at her computer "Have a seat" she told me pointing her pen at the waiting area. " Are you gunna write my name down or something, or am I just gunna be sitting there forever" she rolled her eyes and pushed this big book in front of me "Sign there" she left the pan on top the book. I signed my name his name, the date, the time, and under relation to the patient I put "sister". When I sat down I looked around and no one was in there but a old white and and a crying black lady with 2 kids. I pulled out my phone to call Kamani "where are you" I asked looking around once more. " we are all by his room door 21B" I hung up the phone and went back to the desk. "Where is room 21B" I asked politely "Upstairs when you get out the elevator take a left". I said nothing more she don't deserve a thank you.

I followed the instructions she gave me and I seen everyone standing and talking by the door. "An" Kamora said happily and running to me. I hugged her and kept walking "what happened to Ty" I asked . "He's been shot twice in his chest" Anthony said with sympathy in his eyes " Hes inna coma. They don't know if he's gunna make it" he added. My body fell to the floor the tears came rushing out. I would've cried for anyone in my team but Ty had a special place in my heart which just put more pressure on it. Anthony kneeled down to me and hugged me. "T's at fighter everyone knows that. Just hang in there, he'll pull through" He gavemre a reassuring look and a little smile.

Anthony might be a little rude and uptight some times he could be the most sweetest down to earth guy. He help me through alot when I first came into the gang a year and a half ago.

I stood up and dusted my clothes "So" I sniffed "when can we go in and see him" in looked at the door then back at everyone.

"We can't go in they said we had to blood relation to him" then I realized that I put that I was his sister. I ran to the desk that was on this floor and asked if I could go in because I was his sister she nodded and game me a pass. She said I had to scan it on the door to unlock it. I thanked her and ran back to everyone.

I smiled big " we're in guys " I scanned the door and everyone flowed into the room. I looked at him with tubes in every dicrection. His nose, his arms, his mouth. I broke down even more. "Who would do this to you" I whispered. The room was silent all you could hear was his raspy breathing and the sound of the heart monitor indicating that he was still alive. Then Audrea burst in like caption save a hoe. She stopped at the door and looked around at all of us.

" Hey guys, how did yall get in here" I rolled my eyes and looked back at Ty. He looked so peaceful and calm, I haven't seen him like this Inna while. It was hard to know that in order to see him like that he had to be in this situation. " OH MY GOSH TY BEAR" Audrea scream. I sucked my teeth and exhaled loud enough for her to hear. She ran to the other side of the bed and started kissing all over his face.

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