Chapter 13

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They're dying they're all dying. No please stop. Why are you doing this? WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME?!? Why did you kill them? Why do you think it is okay? What is wrong with you. You're a monster and will always be a monster. After this war is over you will be chained and you'll be tortured for your sins.

Please don't hurt me....

Don't worry Little Baby Bee, I could never hurt you, not even if I tried.

"Z! Les! Azles!" I shook my helm looking up at Ratchet. I tilted my helm at him.
"You spaced out while I was talking." Ratchet said I looked down before looking back up.

"Oh. Sorry Ratchet. I hadn't realized." I said tucking my servos underneath me.

"As I was saying, with having your processors off in sections. Beast takes on most of your pain sensors, but only with particular elements. Of course that's why dark energon didn't affect you instead you were able to absorb it into your frame and shoot it out through your gun.

Which is very impressive, but the question is what affects you and what does not affect you in which we'll have to try testing some time when we're able to." Ratchet finishes as he stares at me waiting for my response.
"I'm okay with testing." I nod to him.

"Ratchet, I would rather you not test on our team, even more so our second in command. There is always the chance of the experiment messing her even more up, is there not?" Optimus asked stepping into the med bay. Ratchet vents looking at Optimus with crossed arms.

"If we don't do this, and then she won't know what to avoid during battles and could possibly get serious injuries on the battlefield." I looked between the two as they stared at each other.
"If Optimus doesn't want this to happen then we will not do it, Ratchet." I hopped down and walked out hearing Ratchet and Optimus talking. I vented going outside the base.

I had a vehicle form, I just kind of used the humans internet to scan one. So I transformed into my sleek glossy red aston martin, the car doors having black paint the pattern of what humans call a heartbeat. I find my alt form more beautiful than my bipedal form. I didn't speed down the road like others did, no I just went for a nice slow ride, which I hadn't done in forever. Before the war my paint was a beautiful blue silver. Now I just loved red and black just something about it seems to make me happy. I stopped at the stoplight seeing two vechicons drive through the intersection going to the left of me. I started debating on whether to follow or not, soon enough I turned on my blinker and followed.

By-LayenWhere stories live. Discover now