I was tagged by my fellow friend
1. My full name contains of only names usually used as first names, Joanne Alva Hailey.
2. For exercise I practice archery
3. I have self-harmed but my scars usually go away exept for the more recent ones, one on my arm and one on my leg. I do not do it as most people do (litteraly cut themselves, maybe I'll write a part about that?)
4. I have a crush on a guy in my class who's name starts with an A and I'm not going to say more than that. There'll be a part coming up for that.
5. There's a guy in my class who doesn't like me and it's really bothering me so I'm going to ask him about it.6. I have a very blended taste in music, follow me on spotify if you want my @'s juliusgaiuscaesar (I'll follow back)
7. I love to draw and I think I'm at least decent at it.
8. All disturbing, strange and creepy things interest me very much, my favorite artist is john kenn mortensen.
9. Christmas is my absolute favorite season, even though I seem to get depressed by this time of year. (Even though winter is my fave season)10. I find it extremly easy to read people and have gotten praise for giving good advise.
I hope you had a great day <3
I don't know anyone here so I'll just tag those I've talked to a bit
Yamakoshi48, fuckface_ & CoLdHeArTeDaNgEl007xoxo Joanne