Chapter 1: The Station of Hell

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"Luke! Luke! Wake up! We're at our stop!" said a familiar voice. I was hardly awake when they woke me up. 

"Shut up! I can't sleep one second without everyone screaming!" I replied angrily. "Well, now that we're here... Let's get off. I don't have all day." I stretched the sleep out of my limbs. The place we were at was a very simple area, just a light brown floor with tainted white walls. "So... What's this all about, Varia?" I asked. 

"It's City 17, we're stuck here now..." she answered.

"Mason said we were going to City 14! Glad we're not there!" Maddie said, almost jokingly. 

"Maybe he was just trying to get a kick out of you. Let's go." I said, walking off to the next room.

"Pick up that can." said the person in front of me. He had a black Kevlar vest with a white gas mask, and dark gloves. I obeyed the person, noticing his threatening stunstick. If I didn't obey, I would get a beating I'd be feeling for weeks. I left the station to meet up with my friends again. "Mason! How did we end up here!" I yelled. 

"Calm down! I didn't mean to get us in this mess!" he yelled back. 

"Guys! Calm down! He didn't mean anything." Maddie said, trying to calm us down. 

"Did he actually think that going out in the woods without any sort of defense would be a good idea? Of course not! But we listened to him anyways, because we couldn't lose our poor useless godforsaken Mason!" I yelled. 

"Hey! He's our friend! We could never lose him! Don't ever talk about him like that!" Maddie scolded me. 

"Sorry... I'm just mad that I can't just be at home eating food like I always do. I'm starving!" I said, right before a voice on the speaker began speaking. 

"Rations are available at the rations center. You have one hour to collect your rations"

The air was bitter with hatred. Everyone was eating like everything was normal, and nobody said anything. "This place is awful. I'm getting out of here as fast as I can. All these Townguards are little piles of bile of you ask me." I said, slamming my hand on the table. One of the Townguards heard me. 

"What did you just say?" he said threateningly. 

"He said nothing! Don't hurt him!" Maddie said, trying to defend me. They all stood up to try and defend me, but then three more Townguards came and started beating us all with their stun sticks. 

 "That'll make you think twice." one of them said, walking off. The rest of them finally left us alone.

I began sitting down in my room, thinking about how we got in here. I put my hand down the couch to check for any loose change. I put my hand on a little knob on a small machine. I pulled out the machine, and noticed that it was a radio! I started turning the knobs on the machine, and it started playing static. "Highway 14, do you copy?" I said through the radio. 

"Luke! How did you end up at City 17?" said a familiar voice through the radio. It was the voice of Benton! He was the one who saved me on many occasions. 

"I'm coming to your location. I overheard them planning to send you to the interrogation rooms!" he warned. 

"Alright, I'll see you then." I turned off the radio.

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