The Synthetic's Invasion

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 "Is he alright?"

"The Free One's healing well, dear Maddie. Do not be alarmed."

"Good to know. How are the other advisors?"

"I'm afraid they aren't healing as well, but they will be saved by the time the Synthetics arrive."

"Alright. We need all he help we can get for these Synthetics. If Luke survives, he'll be the one to take down those Synthetics, I know it!"

"The Free One has opened his eyes. He is alive."

"Luke! You're still alive!"

"Is everyone okay?" I asked.

"Yeah, everyone else is."

"I have to get to Dr. Sheckley fast. He has to give me the supply of his sticky bombs."

"Alright. He's that way." Maddie pointed to a hallway that led to a laboratory. I walked down the hallway until I reached the lab.

"You're late, Dr. Luke!" Dr. Sheckley said.

"And hello to you too." I replied.

"Now, you came to me to learn how to use the 'Sheckley Device'. Now, when I was making these, I was looking for a good thing to launch these, but when I saw your Counter Resonant Singularity Device, I knew that would be it. Now, you will find these machines around the place, and they'll create the devices when you press the button." He pressed a button on a machine. "How these work is they dig to the Synthetic's metal plating with very powerful and sharp spikes, then when shot, they explode." He pressed a button on the wall and a tied-up Synthetic appeared from the ground. "Don't worry, this Synthetic is far from destroying your comrades. It's lost it's mounted gun, and it's completely tied up. That one giant robot that Dr. Garner built tied this thing up, and no human being is stronger than that robot. Honestly, it could probably just destroy all the Synthetics by itself, but I heard that they're being escorted by packs of Minisynthetics. God, those things still give me nightmares."


"Now, begin throwing the Sheckley Devices at the Strider."

I took out my C.R.S.D and picked up a Sheckley Device. I launched it at it, attaching it to the tied-up Synthetic. It latched onto it, then I shot it. It exploded, and the entire Synthetic exploded, with all their legs ripped off by the power of the explosion. "Wow. That's a powerful explosion!" I said

"Yeah, it is. If you fend off this horde, I might forgive you for that 'incident'. The one relating to a cooked pastry." Dr. Sheckley said.

"Hey, I said I was sor—" The alarm went off, cutting me off.

"Better go then." He said. I began running off to hear some of the battle training.

"So do you know what the OSIPR2's alternate fire does?" the teacher asked.

"No, what does it do?" said the radio operator.

"It's used to kill Minisynthetics."

"We never had OSIPR2s But the place was lousy with OSIPR3s."

"There's no such thing as an OSIPR3.

"Yeah there is!"

"So then how did you kill Minisynthetics then?"

"We sure as hell didn't use guns. We'd just wrestle them to the ground. I used to kill ten, twenty a day, just using my bare hands."

"So when you're out on the field, you'll be wrestling hunters?"

"I'm not going out on the field, I'm a radio operator!"

"Look, I'm not going to continue the lesson until you leave."

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