Yuki taking care of a sick Kyo

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Shigure p.o.v

Sigh I hope those boys aren't tarring apart my house I call them up saying hello Uh Yuki he says yes I say are you tearing apart my house I'll be gone for two weeks but coming back today to get a few things and get one of Toruhs bags she forgot he says no we are not I say so I'm surprised I haven't heard the cat yelling at u he says yeah yeah I say where are u you don't sound like your downstairs he says I'm not I'm in Key I'm like key are u in Kyo's room and why he says um nuu I'm not Shigure gotta go see u later dog.

Yuki p.o.v

After getting a phone call from Shigure saying he's coming back today I panic and roll on Kyo saying get up!!!! Get upppp he groans saying leave me alone I'm tired I say you always sleep wake up!!!! He says nuu then he sneezes oh nuu he can't be sick I say Shigure is coming back today but then leavening Kyo darts right up and says oh my head and turn down the heat it's hot in here I say nuu it's not then I feel his head, oh nuu burning up runs and calls Hatori he will be right down thank god.

Kyo p.o.v

So damn rat are you gonna turn it down and stop yelling Yuki says I'm not even talking and Kyo it's freezing not hot I say what you think I'm getting sick or something he says yes B with a worried expression I feel my head holly crap I am burning up I take his hand and put it to my face holy hell he's cold we hear a knock on the door whoever it walks right in and into my room who the hell do u think you are to just walk into our house when I realize it's Hatori uhh uhh.

He says Kyo lay down I do as told and he puts a cold washcloth on my head and takes my temp he sighs saying Kyo your sick I say what how he says u went out in a storm yesterday twice and your sneezes too much does anything hurt I say my head he sighs saying well get some rest I'll check on you later today Yuki will u keep an eye on Kyo for me.

Yuki says nuu I don't want watch that stupid cat I gasp my hearts broken he does a wink then oh yeah uh I don't want that damn rat watching me Hatori says it's for your own good make him leek soup now bye.

I say Yuki take off your shirt with a straight face he flushes pink saying what!! I say just do it's fucking hot and your cold he says why do I have to take off my shirt I have to um make u soup yeah leek soup I say u know I hate that shit he says yeah so u need to feel better.

Yuki p.o.v

He says I know I do now please I look in his eyes he must really be burning up I sigh feeling defeated and take off my shirt and he straddles me down saying thank u I say Kyo Kyo your sick he says so all that's happened is me have a headache and be hot usually I would puke he says it will go by fast it will go away before later I sigh saying fine. And he kisses down my stomach getting me all flustered and stops right at my V line he says sowwie I say for what?

He says for this he bites down on my vline and licks it and stops I say hey u can't stop he says well Yuki if I am really sick I don't wanna get you sick so make me that nasty leek soup I pout saying but and he puts on my shirt and we he'd downstairs Shigure walks in saying oh boys I'm home in a singing voice.

Kyo says shut up damn dog my head hurts Shigure looks at Kyo then to me he says what are you making leek soup Yuki? I say Kyo is sick and Hatori stopped by and he will be back later Shigure says okay we'll gotta go bye he leaves and Kyo lays his head on the table and I stir the leek soup he lays his head on my shoulder and groans I say all done he says I'm not eating that it stinks I say I'll add fish he says Nu I'm not eating that shit I grab his arm and shove some leeks in his mouth with chopsticks and hold his nose I say swallow or don't breath he looks at me seeing I'm serious and swallows ad shivers saying that was the best thing ever why was it good Yuki?

I chuckle and say Kyo I added fish just for you. He smiles and scarfs it all down and falls down I say Kyo are you okay he jumps up and hugs me and twirls me around in his arms he says I feel better I love you damn rat and he kisses me pationatlyI'm shocked by his sudden happiness and he pushes me on the counter oh shit I put too much fish in he has a huge bulge I blush and he kisses me some more.

I say Okay Kyoo lets lets hmm but he's to busy nibbling down my neck and leaving butterfly kisses I moan and he licks my earlobe and nibbles it I say Kyo Kyoooo stop all down the Shigure walks in again at least he didn't notice I push Kyo away saying stupid cat you'll never win then Kyo notices Shigure and he says damn rat we will see we pretend to fight and then Shigure leaves saying don't tear up my house then Kyo back to hugging me I see his bulge is gone and he just kisses me softly and says Yuki I'm tired can you come lay with me? I say of course and he cuddles me and falls asleep I smile kiss his forehead then go to sleep as well.

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