Kyo's day

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Shigure p.o.v

Be careful boys your gonna break my beautiful house again, but all I get from an angry Yuki and Kyo from Yuki a shut up you dog and from Kyo shut up damn rat then it happens my doors broken and a mad Kyo running out the broken door to the woods sigh when will they learn to fight outside or something or learn to get along.

Yuki p.o.v

God that cat is annoying And Shigure had me go get him, of course, that stupid cat ran off when it's about to rain I grab a jacket and run out looking for Kyo Ohh he drives me crazy ._.

Kyo p.o.v

Damn that Yuki why can't he ever let me win until I win Akito will accept me into the family yawn I'm getting tired oh great it's gonna rain yawn jumps from tree gotta get to the house yawn where's the path? yawn why can't anyone like me yawn.

Yuki p.o.v

I go outside god he really is a stupid cat huh what the? I trip over something stupid cat then yep found him when he's screaming what Kyo get up then I relies he's crying and screaming in his sleep I shake him some more saying Kyo get up he's scaring me he screams really loud now and wakes up crying saying Yuki I say yeah and he's hugging me harder saying Yuki you're okay before I know it he fell asleep in my arms sigh I carry him to the house. Toruh isn't here she's at Uotani and Hana's house well really at Hana's house I walk in Through the broken door and there's a note on the floor saying hi boys I had to leave goo away on a business trip I'll be gone for two weeks like Toruh.

Kyo p.o.v

I awake in Yuki's arms wait what I rub my eyes and push out of Yuki embrace and fall to the ground dammit I'm still crying he says uhh Kyoo tell me what's wrong I say nothing's wrong just go away leave me alone and I run upstairs and trip at the top goddammit and he runs up saying Kyo tell me I say why you don't care mind your own business damn uhh rat.

Yuki p.o.v

I run after Kyo then I see he is panicked and upset when he says go away you don't care It's none of your business I feel like I really care I pin Kyo down while he fell on the floor and say Kyo I do care nuu one else is home and Kyo you had me really scared you were screaming and crying and what did you mean by Yuki your okay when you get up he says I don't know what your talking about he tries squirming saying get off Yuki I can tell he's tired and say please tell me Kyo now he says nuu I sigh and basically straddle him now he blushes and says damn rat get off of me I say not until you tell me what's wrong.

Kyo p.o.v

I feel anger and hurt and just all sorts of emotion when Yuki has me pinned down I say do you really wanna know he says yes I can tell he really does wanna know I stop being so tense and say fine ill tell you then you have to get off of me and I mean it and nuu making fun of me alright he doesn't answer I say Kay damn fucking rat!! He says yes Kyo tell now I sigh and say I tell him all about my recent dreams and about my master that's not coming back any more to me and that Yuki was gonna be taken away from me forever he seems confused saying what do you mean taken away from me I push him off saying forget it Yuki it's just stupid okay.

Yuki p.o.v

I don't understand there's something that's on his mind and he's not telling me I really wanna know he goes in his room and closes the door I hear him collapse on his bed and cry I sigh and walk in he says go awa away you-you damn rat I crawl up on his bed and hug him while he's laying on his stomach he says let go. I say Kyo what is it having my face right at his ear he shivers slightly and I hug him tighter he says fuck it Yuki please get out he yawns and sneezes oh nuu this cat isn't gonna be sick while I'm here he sneezes again I get under his covers with him and snuggle into him he sniffles saying what are you doing? I say making you warm he says why and then he snuggles into me more saying what I say Kyo your blushing he says am not I say are so he says nuu then he relishes how close we are from out faces being inches apart then I feel my cheeks flush red he says haha your  blushing I say am not!!!!

Kyo p.o.v

Are to he says am not I say are then next thing I know I get lips attached to mine and it's Yuki at first I'm shocked and confused when he ran out of my room wait what where the hell is he going he can't kiss me then leave >.< I run after him downstairs into the kitchen he drinks some juice and I trip and pin him against the counter I say why did you do that he says I don't know what you talking about I say Yuki you kissed me now why he doesn't look at me at first and says I don't know Kyo just erm happened I suppose.

I sigh and say let's go he says what where I say in bed he says okay he starts going to his room and sighs and starts undoing his Comote top thing x: and I pin him against the wall saying Yuki I like you I always have and I kiss him wrapping my arms around his neck and what I didn't expect is he pushed me away wait really I didn't expect anything I feel tears and jump out his window and run I don't care if it is raining I'm tired and wanna be alone forever goodbye world that never liked me.....

Yuki p.o.v

I don't know how long Kyo was Standing there but when he kisses me and said he loves me and always have had me at shocked and before I could say how I felt I pushed him away I don't know why I did but now-now the-the stupid cat ran out the window dammit I'm crying I pull on a coat and run outside looking for him I'm sorry Kyo I fucking love you to but never thought you liked me that way so I always had to hate you or something because I thought it was a phase but it wasn't then I find him on the ground asleep and freezing I sigh put my jacket over him and run him in the house and fall to the ground lay his head on my lap saying Kyo wake up, please....

He doesn't get up then next thing I hear is an Achoooooo then he's up and realizes he's in the house he rubs his one eye saying how'd he get here and he doesn't realize he's on my lap and snuggles into me I chuckle saying Kyo he groans saying what Yuki then he says wait what Yuki and opens both eyes and says oh shit Yuki and lifts his head off of me and falls to the floor with a loud thud oaf I pin him down saying Kyo you never finished what you were gonna tell me what was wrong earlier he sees I'm just cm from his face and feels a slight blush and says uh I forget get off I'm tired I say don't make me Kyo he says don't make you what and before he knows anything I push down on his area and he gasps and I kiss him he blushes a deep red.

I smile saying Kyo I really love you to I say really do he looks at me and stops tensing up and looks in my eyes and kisses me and hugs me and has tears I say why are you crying did I do something wrong he says nuu Yuki iv just waited my whole life for someone to tell me that and he explained how he had to beat me in one fight then he could be part of the family I hugged him and said let's go to bed he says okay okay after yawning and he collapses to his bed and I lay with him and he says what are you then I straddle him down and kiss him twice saying night Kyo he's red and I go to get up and see him pout and try to hide his pout had I chuckle and lick his nose and lay next to him and cuddle him saying night stupid cat and giggle he chuckles and says night damn rat and we cuddle each other and he's fast asleep.

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