Day 70

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Today we set up various traps on the human army's invasion route to ambush them.

The human army was planning to take advantage of their greater numbers to attack the Elven army from multiple directions. That's why we are lying in wait on separate routes to defeat them one by one.

Because this is one of the many routes that are currently being watched, it seems likely that one of the units of the main force will pass by here. While I think I'd be able to gain a lot of experience points from this fight, I devoted myself to dividing the hunting ground together with Asue.

The road that looked like a game trail was slightly lower than its surroundings, and we altered the terrain to make a little slope.

We set pitfall traps at the base of the trees, which grew thick on each side. Then we dug a trench to hide at the base of a certain tree that was a little farther from the road. To make it safer, we installed a shield made out of wooden boards and placed fauna near the trench to make it inconspicuous. Blacksmith worked hard to make enough repeating crossbows to equip the long distance attack troops, Regret, who were stationed inside the trenches.

We also placed Hatred, the light infantry, inside the trench as an insurance measure. So, even if they jumped over the pitfalls and got close by slipping their way through the rain of arrows, it would be easy to buy ourselves some time... or just kill them.

However, they ought to have been dealt with by our Kobolds that were hiding in the pitfalls before that.

Soon after we finished the general preparations, the scouts from my squad reported that it would take our enemy approximately 30 minutes to arrive here with their current marching speed. So, all we could do was hold our breath and wait.

Then, they arrived.

Rusty Iron Knight, who was equipped in a rust-iron colored full-body armor, advanced astride his war-horse. He paid close attention to his surroundings as he led an orderly army that did not break ranks while it marched behind him. Certainly, each of them seemed to have relatively strong, I'd guess there were about 700 of them.

Amongst them were magic users―'magicians' is a general term to represent them, describing those whose job involves using magic. There were Summoners, Arcana, Sorcerers and more―probably about 100 of them.

Adding in the power of magic, even with only 700 of them, they had tremendous fighting potential. But it didn't bother me, it made me feel they were a delicious opponent.

Coordinating the troops through the cuffs, first we fell a huge tree and cut off the enemy's path for retreat. It made a loud noise, but it didn't crush anyone. However, it diverted the attention of our enemy and gave me the opportunity to shout out the next command.

With their retreat cut off, it was time for our first assault. We pushed multiple boulders down from the hill right on top of enemy. The recessed area that was the enemies' foothold, caved in on both sides and became a disaster for those who didn't get away in time. They were either crushed by the falling boulders or trampled to death by their comrades who desperately tried to get away.

There were those that took up their weapons and others with magic to tried to destroy the boulders. Unfortunately for them, I placed an enchantment on the rocks so that they wouldn't break easily and they maintained their momentum. Their resistance was in vain and they fell prey to the boulders.

Of the original 700 enemies, more than 200-300 were crushed to death or were unable to fight.

Many others had suffered injuries as well. It would be difficult for them to immediately reorganize themselves.

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