This F*cking Music!

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"Hello Giaai..." I was in the cafeteria and some stupid nurse was talking to me. "Hi.. " I look out a window. "So how are you doing..." She pulled out a pen. "I'm ok...." I don't look at her. "Mkay....have you've been feeling depressed lately...." She says calmly. "No." I then look at her. "And why is that?" She gives a slight frown. I then feel a blanket of anger come over me. "Fuck you." I get up walking away. "Giaai...." She followed after me. "Fuck Off!" I turn around and kick her in the stomache. Everyone then laughs and cheers as the lady fell to the ground.

I was thrown into my small room. I hit the floor as they slammed the door locking it. I sat up a against the wall. I stared at nothing as I then her some music began to play. "It only just beguuuun.... tooo live. White lace and many roads to choooose...." A lady sings over the speaker. "Oh my gosh..." I sigh.

I was about to start pulling out my hair. That song repeated all day and night. I couldn't sleep. "We've only just beguuuuun......" She sang. "Turn off this fucking song!" I shout. It then gets louder. "TURN IT OFF!!!" I get up and kick the walls and door.

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