In the classroom

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"Can someone answer me WHY we're forced here?" Anakin asked with a big, wide groan. How he did it wide, that's a great question, but he managed to do that.

"The council wanted us to learn our lessons.... the Obi-Wan way..." Ahsoka said and banged her head on the table.

"He isn't THAT bad. Kriff, overreacting much?" Ano said with an eye roll. But almost immidetly a ruler slammed into her desk so hard and sudden that Anakin and Ahsoka slightly jumped away from her.

"NO SWEARING IN MY CLASSROOM!" Obi-Wan shouted, before going to the whiteboard.

"Let's check who's here today..." he said, mainly to himself.

"We're four people here." Ahsoka commented, and the ruler slammed into her desk.

"NO TALKING!" Obi-Wan shouted at her, before once again walking back to the whteboard.

"When I say your name, raise your hand." he said, and started. "Ahsoka Tano?"

"He-" ruler slam.

"NO TALKING! Anakin Skywalker?"

Anakin shakingly raised his hand.

"No Skywalker? Okay, late attendance, he'll get detention later. Ano Globe?"

"Yes." Ruler slam. "I don't care." Ruler slam. "Rest my case." Ruler slam.

"So, let the lesson begin." Obi-Wan said, and began the lesson.

Five hours later, they finally got their first ten minutes break, mainly because Obi-Wan thought Ano was too annoying because she wasn't intimidated by him.

"We need to get him back on this." Anakin said.

"Yeah, totally!" Ahsoka agreed.

They talked and talked, and set up a plan:
Ano was going to continue like she was before so they would ge another break, then Ahsoka would pretend to be interested in tea and ask Obi-Wan about it, so Anakin could prepare a fart balloon on Obi-Wan's chair.

The plan went great. Obi-Wan was annoyed by Ano, and was seriously interested in talking about tea with Ahsoka. When he then sat down, it sounded like he let off a huge fart, and Ahsoka and Anakin started laughing.

"YOU ALL GET F!" Obi-Wan yelled and stormed out dramaticly.

"He does know he can't grade us, right?" Ahsoka said.

"I'm going to be in a lot of shit later." Ano said.


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