A Glimpse

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"Garry why?.. Am i not enough?" With tears in her eyes she whispers. "Please let's figure this out." She cried.
"No. It's over Clara, i can't stay this way any longer. This is not right, it's not right I'm hurting you enough and i feel bad about it. I'm in love with Amie. I'm sorry." He said to her with a very sad face.
She kept on crying with her eyes staring at him while he walks away, then she covered her face with her two little hands and sobbed. She entered the house running to the stairs to her room without noticing her brother with some friends in the living room.
"Clara! Hey! Where you goin?" Said her brother Brandon. He cares a lot about her after the only parent they have left their mother, passed away with cancer. Their father left the family when they were still young. Brandon provided for them after he graduated high school and he's 5 years older than her. With his spare time he practices with his band who plays heavy metal music. He was in the living room with their vocalist Karl and drummer Joey who is new member. Bran just let her go cause he already had an idea what was coming up between Clara and Garry and he just want to give his sister some time for herself but he's gonna check on her when it passes off. The three guys just looked at each other and continue their meeting sort of. They were planning to play a gig in a pub. But Joey still thinks of Clara, he had a glimpse of her while she was running to close herself in her room. They haven't even being formally introduced to each other and he's eager to know her.

"Hey! Open up! Come on dinner is almost ready!" Bran while knocking the door of Clara's room. "If you don't open this I'm gonna wreck the fuckin door!" He sounds worried. After a few seconds he heard footsteps coming near the door.
"What do you want Bran?" She says while opening the door with a low and exhausted voice. She had red and swollen eyes. She looked at her brother and started to sob again. Then Bran took her head and leaned it to his chest.
"Shhh. You can stop now. Just forget about that guy he's not even worth your tears! Come on get yourself back together we have guests. Go! Wash your face i want you to meet our new member." He said smirking. Her face was shocked and said, "Are you human? Do you have feelings? I have just been dumped by an asshole you think thats cool that you introduce me to another?"
"What did i say? You're just gonna meet a friend of mine who is downstairs cause he's my guest and a new band member. What do you assume? Im pretty sure you're not his type of girl anyway! Come on just forget about him this time, i swear he's gonna get some shit from me!" Bran.
"Bla bla bla! Fine just please don't piss me off." She mocks.

After a few minutes Clara went down in the living room and smiled at everybody. "Uhm so whats up? I thought the dinner was ready?" She smiled falsely.
"Well we called the pizza delivery and it should be here anytime soon, want a beer?" Brandon asked.
"Oh pizza haha i thought you're home cooking! What to expect from a lazy chef, gosh" she teases while grabbing a bottle of beer.
"Oh by the way this is Joey our new drummer i mean badass drummer! She's my annoying sister Clara." Bran introduces them to each other.
Joey smiled giving his hand to her. "Very nice to meet you!"- " oh its my pleasure."Clara also shook his hand with what seemed to be a genuine smile. She got curious about him with his long straight black with white dreadlocks hair. She thought it was hot. Joey felt something weird in his stomach, it seems that everything was taking so slow, her smile, her big brown eyes, her long and wavy brown hair. All of the details in her face stamped in Joey's head. He can't help but stare at her. She's so beautiful to him.
"Hi I'm Karl" Karl teases her and gave his hand as well and laughs.
Clara sat down in a single chair on the left side of the couch where she was near Joey. She smiled at him then drank her beer. Joey kept on looking at her and look away he doesn't know what to ask her or what to say to start a conversation he kept on smiling at her like a complete idiot. Brandon and Karl on the other side minding their own business. There was a lot of awkwardness between Clara and Joey until the doorbell rang.
"Oh the pizzas yes! Ill get it." Karl exclaimed.
So they ate and drink while chatting.
"So uhm how long have you've been friends with Bran? I haven't seen you around with him." Said Clara to Joey. "Well we've known each other way back highschool, we used to take classes together. Then I moved to San Francisco but we still connect through social media and stuff, I actually didn't know he's got a sister." Joey says.
"Yeah he's weird. So you moved back here in L.A.?" Clara asks.
"Yeah. My grandma's here and she needs to be look at so i went back. I have to take over with the business and everything." Joey says.
"Oh thats cool, you live with her?" Clara asks.
"Oh yeah, just few minutes from here." Joey says not taking away his stare at her eyes.
Clara felt awkward then looked away and drinks her beer.
The evening goes on with laughters, funny stories and chats. Clara forgot about what happened earlier with Garry and she seemed happy during the evening she had drank a little bit too much and her brother passed out Karl already left the house. Joey has drink a little bit too but stoped cause he has to drive home. He looked at Clara who was staring into space looking sad and pensively.
"You ok?" Joey asks.
She snap back and smiled. "Yeah! Im just a little bit tired that's all."
"I'd better go. I don't wanna keep you up." Joey says with a little guilt.
"Oh no! I mean don't mind me. You can stay as long as you want." Clara says worried.
"Nah i have to go anyways. I have stuff to care of tomorrow so.."
"Oh.. ok. Well if you say so.." She said.
Joey looked at Bran and laughs. He stood up and went slowly to the door. Clara went with him too still looking at his locks.
"So uhm I'll see you around then. I had a great time thanks. I'll just call Bran tomorrow." He said smiling.
"Yeah. No prob. I... I'll see you around" she said as Joey goes out. She kept the door open until he reaches the car then waved at him.
Joey nodded his head and went in still looking at her until she closes the door. While driving home he kept on thinking about her the sound of her laughs makes him smile. He taught of how to see her again.
When he finally arrived home it was dark in the living room so he checked on his grandmas room finding her sleeping. He then lied on the couch with his phone on and started to check Clara's facebook profile and sent a friend request. She accepted right away that makes Joey excited to see her photos. He scrolled some and saw a lot of smiling faces. "Damn she's freakin hot." he said seeing a picture of her in the beach with bikinis on. Going on he stopped on a picture of her with a guy, it was her ex Garry. They had so many pictures together. He stared at one picture of her smiling and he felt sad that she's already with someone not knowing they've just broke up. After a while he went to bed and fell asleep.

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