The Kiss

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Clara works in lingerie shop, she's really not interested in anything she sells. She's just a girl inside with no interest in sex or what so ever. She thinks maybe thats the reason every guys she's with dump her for another. She doesn't care about flirting or hooking up, she's 25 but she's still a virgin, she almost had her first with Garry but she was so scared.
-Maybe i should try to wear some of these, maybe ill get some guys- she thinks while smiling.
-Nah... how could this be comfortable? Its like a string behind your ass. Arrg! Maybe ill try just once.-
After a while she sees someone coming in, a blonde girl looking around for some lingerie, and realized it was Ammie the girl Garry left her for. Her manager tells her to accommodate the client, she didn't had the time to scape in the backdoor. She just pretend she didn't know the girl and went to her.
"How may i help you?"
"Oh Clara! So you work here? It's funny cause it looks like you will never wear one of these anyway haha." She laughed with disrespecting voice.
"Yeah uhm just call me if you need something yeah?" Clara just wanted to get rid of her. Then someone came in and called her.
She turned around and sees Brandon with Joey.
"Oh hey, what are you guys doing in here?" She felt relieved.
"I was going around to distribute flyers for the gig on Saturday and we just drop by maybe we could leave some in here?"
"Yeah sure just drop them in the counter."
Joey just looked at her and felt she was unease with the blonde girl.
"Everything fine?"he asked.
"Yeah well, i had better days." She said looking at Ammie.
Joey walk up to her and asked.
"There's this coffee shop in the corner of the street, uhm they say they make really good fraps. I don't know uhm maybe we could try, you know... I mean if you're free? Or I don't know.." he said shyly.
Clara chuckled and blushed her eyes were smiling too. She felt something weird inside, and thought how Joey asked her she thinks he's cute.
"Well uhmm yeah sure I'd love to try." She said.
Ammie on the other side was rolling her eyes and approached Joey.
"Joey? The drumer? Wow its so great to see you!! I heard you move back here in town."
"Uhm yeah. You must be?" Joey said feeling awkward trying to remember where he met her.
"Ammie you remember we used to go take piano lessons in highschool." She said flirting with her eyes.
"Oh yeah right..." he said while looking at Clara not knowing how to handle the situation.
"Well.. See you later Clara we have to go now.. theres still so many flyers we better get going." Said Brandon saving everybody from the awkwardness.
Joey just smiled at Clara and winked at her with his hand on his ear trying to say. -Call me-
Clara just nodded and turned to Ammie.
"Actually we have this new line of thong, here.. Oh uhm but sorry we only have brazilian size I'm pretty sure you need a smaller one." Clara says looking at Ammie's butt and walks out leaving her with angry face trying to look at her butt in the mirror.
It was time for her to go home and started to get ready when she received a message.
-I'm outside the coffee house .. you know uhm the coffee tasting?- Joey
She chucked and got excited.
-yeah I've just finished. I'll be there in a sec.-

Clara walked for 5 minutes till she saw Joey outside waiting for her with radiant smile on his face.
"Hey, I'm sorry I had to walk to get here, I wouldn't find parking space in here anyways."
"Oh no problem, let's go?" Joey says while opening the door for her.
"Wow this place looks good and cosy..." she said while sitting down on a table for two. Joey handed her the list and showed her what should she take.
"You'd love this." Pointing on a cappuccino frappes.
"Oh yeah? Sure I trust you." She said.
The waiter then took their order.
Clara just looked at Joey trying to understand why would he ask her out for a coffee. -Is he hooking up on me what's the deal? Maybe he's just trying to be nice since i just had a breakup.-
"Why did you ask me out?"
"Huh? What do you mean?"
"I mean why?"
"Oh uhm cause i like hanging out with you."
"Oh ok. That's it?" She sighed.
Joey looked at her knowing she knows he's lying. He stopped her from taking a sip of her coffee, grab her hand and cleared his throat.
"I.. think you're beautiful... I.." he can't go on but he wants to tell her the truth. He was dreaming of her often. They were both looking at their hands and suddenly took them away.
"Oh. Hehe thanks.." she blushed that joey smiled.

They continue talking about everything, they stayed there for hours. They decided to go home for its dinner time. Right when they were going to Joey's car it started to rain so hard that they panicked but it was too late they both got soaked in the rain, they were face to face laughing.
Then suddenly stopped and stared each other, looking in their eyes, their face went closer that they can sense each other's breath. Joey wanted that kiss so bad, his hunger grows each time they're near. Clara felt weird but she was also eager for the kiss she just waited for him to do it. Joey got closer until their nose touched then Clara lift her face ready to receive him. Everything around went slow till their lips touched, a sweet and gentle kiss that lasted long enough to feel warm. They stare at each other with a smile, Joey chuckled he couldn't believe he finally taste her lips, and felt those butterflies again. The awkwardness disappeared and they felt at ease with each other.
"I'm just gonna take you home, it's dangerous for you to drive." Joey said.
"Yeah i think you're right." She said still staring at him with a grin.

Joey parked in front of Clara's house, it already stopped raining. She opened her door and walk her in the house door both silently smiling. Clara was gonna open the door when suddenly Brandon opened it.
"Heyyy. What happened to both of you? Dude come in."
"I actually just took Clara home I.. I think my grams looking for me now."
Deep inside Clara wanted him to stay but she was worried of his grandma too.
"Well I'll see you around then, thanks for the coffee and stuff." Clara said.
"Yeah so should i take you to work tomorrow? You left your car remember?"
"Aw yeah right so tomorrow then 9am? Is that ok? I mean i can get a cab."
"No no i can manage don't worry. Ill be here at 9am"
Joey left happy knowing he could get to see her again tomorrow.
Clara sighed and smiled looking in spaces like she was high.
"I knew it!" Brandon interrupts her day dreaming.
"So you're in to Joey huh?" He teases her.
"Oh my god what? Course not!" She denies.
"Hey theres nothing wrong with it. I mean i like Joey he's a cool guy."
"Whatever!" She ran to her room still smiling.
She locked herself and touched her lips, she felt good about the kiss, it felt warm it felt intimate and she felt safe.
While driving home Joey kept on smiling still couldn't believe what happened, he felt like floating he was so happy. He can't wait to see her tomorrow. But suddenly his phone rang, it was Martha her grandma's nurse.
"Joey! Your Grandma... They're taking her in the hospital with the ambulance. She got a heart failure. Please hurry!." The nurse said with trembling voice.
"WHAT???!! Ok I'll be there!!" Joey got scared.
-Noo gramma.. shit!!- he was so worried and drove faster to the hospital.

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