Dreamer creeper

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Clara kept on looking at the watch, it was 9.20. She was so inpatient.
-Damn it! I'll be late at work. What the fuck was i thinking? He totally forgot!- she thinks irritated.
She called a cab and headed to work, she kept on looking at her phone and there was nothing from Joey. She was so disappointed and sad but she was also worried what could've happened.

Joey wokes up suddenly. He was sleeping on a chair beside his grandma's bed. He held her hand and looked so sad seeing her with the oxygen and lots of tubes around her. Then Martha came in..
"You should go home, I'll take care of her don't worry, she's a fighter you know."
"But I wanna be here when she wakes up."
"Hey.. everything's gonna be fine. You can comeback later."
"Fine, i feel so bad, I should've been with her more often. She's the reason why I moved back here. I feel guilty."Joey says.
"Don't say that. No one could've predict what'll happen right? She was doing great these couple of days. Just go and have a better rest ok? Im just gonna be here at her side, ill call you right when something changes."
"Thanks Martha. You've been such a great help." He said while giving her a hug.
Joey left the hospital then looked at his phone and saw 8 missed calls from Clara.
-Shit!.. shit shit shit!- he got so worried and called her but she wasn't answering his calls. He decided to send her message.
-Hey! I was such an idiot I didn't call you. Im in the hospital right now, my grams just had a heart failure she's not doing fine. I am so sorry you've waited.- still no response.

Clara finally finished working and saw A message from Joey. She was shocked and got worried about what happened to Joey's grandmother. She called him right away.

"Clara.. I'm so sorry... I didn't mean to"-
"Hey.. No I'm sorry for what happened to your grams, do you want to meet?"
"That would be awesome."
"Right, where you at?"
Im in the hospital now, I'll wait for you in the hospital bar?"
"Yeah sure I'll be there in a few."

Clara sighed she felt guilty about thinking bad about Joey. She fixed herself and head to the hospital right away.
Joey felt relieved Clara was not angry at him for not showing up. He went right down the hospital bar and waited anxiously.

"Joey, hey I'm so sorry." Clara ran to him and hugged him tightly. He just give in to her and teared up a little bit. When they pulled back he couldn't help and let the tears drop. Clara felt bad as they sat down, she held his hands and and just stayed discreet. She doesn't know what to do to make him feel better. Joey just smiled and dried his eyes.

"I hope she's alright, I haven't met her but I'm sure she's a fighter." Clara smiled.
"Yeah. She is!"Joey affirmed.

The two just talked about Joey's grandma for hours he was telling stories about her and how he grew up with her, how amazing she was and all the stuff she taught him in life. How they make lots of biscuits in Christmas holidays. All the pranks he pulled on her. He was relieved and happy talking about this with Clara..


Joey's pov

It's been 3 months now since my grams death. I still feel empty, the house feels empty but I know she will always be in my heart no matter what. Me and Clara started dating a month after the funeral she never left my side. She always makes me happy. We started on that kiss and eventually fell for each other. I can still remember a month ago...

-after they went on a dinner sitting in the car-

"I had a great time Clara, you know i still haven't thank you. So uhm. Thank you so much!"
"Thanks for what? Come on you know I'm always gonna be here if you need me."
"I mean thanks for sticking with me you never let me feel sad about what happened to grams. You made everything lighter and.." then she stops me with a kiss.
"Shhh. It's all good I'm happy to be by your side though i know your a strong person."-

Then i kissed her harder and more passionately. I've never felt that way before it felt so good. She pulled away and looked me in the eye. We just stare and kissed again, we are both turned on then I started to caress her tits and she moaned and we both feel hunger and frustration.
"I want to take you home with me." I whispered panting.
"Yeah? You totally should." She said smiling and kissed me again.
I hurried up to get to my house, we entered and started to make out near the door right when I closed it. We moved to the stairs still with our lips against each other. Till we reach my bedroom and she pulled back with her head down.
"Joey I think I'm falling for you.. I.." she said.
I felt a knot in my throat and took her face and kissed her deeply..
"I have no doubt of what I feel for you. I'm sure I love you Clara.." I said and kissed her back.
In my head I thought that if this was a dream I'd definitely see a shrink after, cause it means I'm fucked up in my head. This is real, in my head i know it's real I swear to god it feels so real.
I started to undress her slowly while her beaming eyes are nailed to mine. Unzipping the back of her black silky dress with my lips kissing her neck slowly. She was so beautiful and looked so innocent. Her dress fell on the floor and i went down kissing her body, I was on my knees and took her hills off. I kissed all of her from where i was slowly going up to her belly while her hands on my head. The room was filled with our heavy breaths and heat. I stood up to her and went to her lips again I couldn't get enough of her. Then we slowly move till we got against my bed and lay her down. She started to take my shirt off and unbuckle my belt, i took it from her hand and throw it on the ground, the noise of it made her jumped and we just chuckled. I kissed her back and this time it was harder with out tongue intertwined, my hand was all over her steamy skin as she moved her body against mine. I took off her bra and work on her tits thar made her moan a bit more. I licked her tits and nipped them then my hand slowly went underneath her underwear, damn she's so wet and it made me role my eyes. I entered with my finger inside her and she moaned even more. I pulled down her underwear and opened her legs wrapping them around my waist then unzipped my pants, damn it i was ready I couldn't wait any seconds more. I rub my cock against her wet pussy as she gasps quicker. I can see frustration in her face. I was about to fill her in and she utters suddenly.

"Joey." She whispered in my ear. "You know this isn't real right?"

I woke up on the floor next to my bed panting and sweating as fuck. NO thats fucking it! This shit has to stop! I've lost the sense of time, i have mental block i don't know what's real and not anymore, I'm so fucked up! Where should i start? Where did it end? A whole lot of questions filled my mind. I was panicking and screamed as loud as i could. Then I heard steps running through the stairs and open my door almost wrecking it. It was Clara.

"What the hell happened to you? Hey..." she worried and approached me.
"Clara! Stop don't come near me!" I told her trying to convince my self she isn't real. She's not here she can't be here.
I closed my eyes again and there was nobody in front of me. Goosebumps started to run through my skin i got so scared and got dressed quickly then I grabbed my phone to see what happened before i fell asleep.
There were messages between me and Clara.

-Thanks for tonight. I had so much fun. Ill see you tomorrow?-
-Absolutely! I had fun too! Have I told you, you looked really hot tonight? (Wink)-
-Careful Joey I might fall!-
-I'll be waiting open arms to catch. (Wink)-
-Haha stop winking! That's weird. (Lol)-
-Haha your laughs not like that.-
-Why? What's it like? (Lol)-
-Like really small but contagious-
-(lol) I'm not sure how is that. But anyways thanks a lot really..-
-Thanks to you. (Kiss)-
-Night Joey. (Kiss)

So after we went out i just took her home? Fuck are we even dating each other? I should call the shrink. God what's wrong with my fucking head?
I couldn't stop thinking that day. I booked an appointment with the psychologist and I don't fucking care i just want this episodes to stop.

My phone rang and it was Bran.
"Heh bro. Is everything ok?"
"Yeah man i just woke up weird today but everything is good."
"We're waiting for you. We have practice remember?"
"Oh really? Yeah sure! I'm on my way."
I picked my pair of sticks and head to Bran's. I just needed to smash some drums today and get stress relived.

*im doing my best i just block sometimes *

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