Southern Lady (Tormund x Reader Drabble)

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Credit to the Gif Creator

Summary : Tormund finds himself attracted to a Southern Lady. Drabble was inspired by gif.

Word count : 521

Warnings : None

Please feel free to leave comments and feedback, it will help me to improve.  

Tormund shook his head at himself and laughed, he never thought he would ever want a southern lady, but here you were, and he was absolutely intoxicated by you. You were beautiful and privileged, well spoken and educated, everything he thought he detested, but as you sat across from him, eating your supper, he found himself wondering about the taste of your lips on his, the touch of your hands on his face and the curve of your hips under his fingertips. Shaking his head again, he looked up to find you staring at him, with lively (EC) eyes, "What has you so amused Tormund? You haven't stopped smiling since supper began".

Tormund replied with a mischievous grin, "I am amused at myself. Amused cause I have fallen for a southern lady"

Taking delight in your reaction, Tormund stared intently at you. Your cheeks began to burn and you averted your eyes shyly, but only for a moment, while tucking your (HC) hair behind your ears, looking back to him, with a smile that only encouraged him to say more. "I think this southern lady might just be the most beautiful woman I have seen". 'Ah, there it is again', he thought to himself, 'those beautiful burning cheeks', he found himself imagining what it would be like to wake up and see those cheeks every morning, the thought sending a hunger and thirst throughout his body that neither food nor water could satisfy.

Tormund noticed how you recovered from your embarrassment much faster this time, and just as he was about to say more and get those cheeks burning again, you spoke with a playful tone. "Well Tormund, maybe you should tell this southern lady how you feel, you just never know, maybe she likes you too".

Without even a blink of his eyes, Tormund responded, but he noticed how his heart jumped an excited beat in his chest, at her inviting words. "Ah, but I think she already knows".

Tormund drank in your knowing smile as you replied, "And how do you suppose she knows, if you haven't told her. A southern girl is not like those beyond the wall. Many of us are very uneducated in the matters of the heart"

'Many may be', he thought to himself, but this young lass knew exactly what was going on and he was loving every moment of it. "Aye, it could be true, I wouldn't know, but I'm sure she already knows".

"And how would you know that, Tormund Giantsbane?" you said, as he saw you bite the corner of your bottom lip, sending wild thoughts through his mind.

"Well you see, every time I speak to her, her cheeks turn a beautiful shade of red and it's driving me crazy". Once again, his words had their desired affect and as he picked up the drumstick sitting on his plate, he waved its in the direction of your lovely face and said, "Aye Lass, that's what I mean, just like that", he then gave a hearty laugh, before biting into the drumstick with a suggestive and knowing raise of his wild eyes.

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