More Than Enough (Ned/Eddard Stark)

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Summary: After a long and busy day taking care of his duties as Warden of the North, Ned retires to your shared chambers to find you already sleeping.A/N: I have wanted to write a piece for Ned for some time now, but couldn't quite decide on what I wanted to write, so with a little inspiration thrown my way from the lovely ​a-libra-writes(over at Tumblr), I came up with this. Hope you enjoy.

Word Count: 1089

Warnings: Pure unadulterated fluff. I guess Pregnancy? (If that's a warning).

Any feedback, comments or messages are very welcome and appreciated. I would love to know what you think of my little stories.

Ned grimaced slightly, as the old hinges of the chamber door creaked with protest when he tried but failed to shut it silently, reminding himself that he really must get that attended to in the morning

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Ned grimaced slightly, as the old hinges of the chamber door creaked with protest when he tried but failed to shut it silently, reminding himself that he really must get that attended to in the morning. With light feet he turned around and made his way across the room, placing his cloak on the stand in the corner, before moving to sit down on the edge of the bed. Slipping off his boots, he was careful to place them underneath, not wanting to risk you tripping on them, then lifted his head to let his gaze settle upon you. There you sat in the armchair beside the fire, with the warm flickering glow illuminating your beautiful face perfectly, your features heavy with sleep as the sound of your deep rhythmic breaths quietly filled the room. In one hand rested a book, balancing precariously at the edge of your knee as the other rested protectively across the fast-growing bump of your belly. With a content sigh, the corner of Ned's lips curled into a sweet grin, soaking up the view before him. You were such a beautiful woman... more beautiful than any other he had ever set eyes upon... but the sight of his baby growing healthy and strong within the nurturing confines of your body stirred to life all kinds of feelings he simply could not explain.

Reaching forward he carefully slipped the book from your fingertips... closing the ribbon in the open page he quietly placed it on the small table beside you and sat back on the bed, not wanting to disturb you just yet. You looked so comfortable... and with every passing day sleep was getting increasingly harder for you to find, so while you looked so peaceful he decided to leave you be. Besides, time was easy to waste in the peaceful surrounds of his chambers, while you sat there safe and well, looking more beautiful than ever.

Over the past couple of weeks, he knew you had tried desperately to stay awake of an evening, patiently waiting for his arrival, in the hopes of stealing a few private moments together. And yet, every night he would arrive to find you sound asleep in that chair, no matter how soon he managed to get there... But every time the vision took his breath away, filling his chest with the most nourishing kind of love.

In fact, Ned had savoured every moment of the last eight months. After missing everything the first time around with the pregnancy and birth of little Robb... all this was completely new to him. And every day he was left humbled and amazed. Early on, he was humbled by your grit and perseverance, feeling utterly helpless, when day after day he watched you quietly deal with relentless morning sickness, that somehow seemed to last all day. And how eventually your complexion transformed from pale and washed out to the beautiful almost ethereal glow he could see now. Then came amazement and awe as he witnessed the slow and beautiful changes in your body... changes perfectly designed to feed and nurture the growing baby... his growing baby inside. The way the curve of your hips and breasts grew a little more shapely... and the softness of your stomach grew rounder and more full with each passing day. Gods how he loved to wrap you in his arms and rest his hands protectively around that fast-growing bump... cherishing how he needed to stretch just that little bit further each time. And the first moment he felt those tiny flutters under his large and calloused fingertips, that before long grew strong and knowing.... reacting to the sound of his voice... left him in a constant state of wonder. Reminding him every day there was a whole little person flourishing in there.

With a deep and satisfying breath, Ned smiled again and stood to his feet, taking off his tunic to settle in for the night. Pulling a fur from the bed he closed the small distance between you, ready to drape it across your form when you began to stir... the sweetest sleepy noises passing your lips as you began to rub your aching side. Lifting your hand to your mouth you stifled a well-deserved yawn... your eyes fluttering open to meet his, your voice soft and husky with sleep, "Ned... how long have your been here... why didn't you wake me?"

Throwing the fur back across to the bed, he leaned down and tenderly grabbed your face between his strong hands, his fingers getting lost amongst the hair that fell loosely around your features, before pressing his lips against yours in a tender kiss. It was filled with such endless affection and bound with all the gratitude he felt for what you were giving him... what you had already given him... and wondered how he could ever begin to repay you. Kneeling down before you, he rubbed soothingly around the sides of your belly, reaching down to kiss the top that poked adorably out from the edges of your dressing gown. Leaving just the thin veil of your nightdress between his lips and the silkiness of your rounded skin, his voice coming through as a deep whisper, "I didn't want to disturb you... you looked so comfortable and peaceful." Then taking a small step back he offered you his hands, the touch of your soft fingertips feeling so warm and welcomed against his rough and hardened palms, giving you a small smile as he helped you to your feet. "But now that you're awake, why don't you rest up in the bed and let me give that back of yours a rub."

With the sweetest smile, you reached up and placed a gentle hand against his cheek, your fingertips lightly caressing through his beard, all the while stretching your back as you reached up to kiss his waiting lips. Your next words leaving him shaking his head with amused disbelief. "Ned, my handsome dear husband... you are too sweet and too kind... how will I ever repay you for everything that you do?"

Ned's sweet amusement quickly faded, replaced with intense yet somehow humble eyes, reaching across to kiss you once more, this time upon your forehead. And as his hands tenderly slipped beneath the edges of your dressing gown they came to rest affectionately upon your big beautiful belly, his lips moving to whisper lovingly in your ear. "My beautiful sweet wife... I do believe you are already doing more than enough."

Any feedback, comments or messages are very welcome and appreciated

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Any feedback, comments or messages are very welcome and appreciated. I would love to know what you think of my little stories.

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