Conflicted - Part 2 (Ramsay Bolton x Reader)

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Summary: Ramsay is conflicted by his feelings for the Reader.

Warnings: Usual Ramsay warnings, he's hardly a poster child of purity.

Word Count: 1177

A/N: This has been a long time coming. It's been requested quite a few times since Part 1 got posted, so I thought it was time to deliver. It's based off a request I got at the start of the year (but I haven't followed it completely). I've been in a writing slump the last couple of weeks, not because of a lack of inspiration, but rather a lack of time. So I'm hoping this doesn't feel too disjointed, being written in patches here and there, whenever I could steal the time. 

I would love to know what you think, please feel free to send a message or leave a comment, feedback is always appreciated

Ramsay followed the young lord down the dark passages of Winterfell, heading towards the long-forgotten places below the castle, places that had been rather useful since the Bolton's were proclaimed the Wardens of the North

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Ramsay followed the young lord down the dark passages of Winterfell, heading towards the long-forgotten places below the castle, places that had been rather useful since the Bolton's were proclaimed the Wardens of the North. There were a lot of Bolton enemies that needed to be taken care of, and their screams were much harder to hear in the dark musty cells beneath the castle's great stone walls. The young ward who had come to live with them a little over a year ago slotted right into their less than orthodox family. Becoming more of a sadistic apprentice, of sorts, rather than ward, to the now trueborn son of Roose Bolton, their similar and ungodly natures giving them much in common. But as Ramsay followed him further down the darkening passage, he grew uneasy, the stupid and fevered look lighting the young lord's eyes ripped at his chest like claws, his thoughts lost on the very idea of what the stupid boy had gone and done.

Peering over his shoulder, the boy smiled with anticipation, "I've got a little present for you, Lord Ramsay, I think you'll be pleased." Coming to a stop outside an old beaten-up door that led to probably the worst of the damp and decrepit rooms, he rested his hand on the latch, "I've seen the way you've been watching this one... no one saw me take her." Ramsay felt his face stiffen, his upper lip curling and tensing as he took in the boy's excited features, his gut already telling him what he would find on the other side.

The door creaked loudly when the young lord slowly opened it, but Ramsay did not hear the sound. The only noise reaching him came from the distressed muffles of the beautiful peasant girl he had fought so hard to leave alone and untouched. Clenching his jaw tight, Ramsay held his breath, losing his grip on his usually impeccable self-control. Having always prided himself on his sadistic patience, especially when faced with his insatiable desire for cruel and torturous revenge, it was unsettling to feel himself losing grip. And for what? A worthless little peasant girl? She embodied everything he wanted to enjoy and destroy in the most ungodly ways. Why did this one matter? Why was she different from the rest? And why did the very thought of her being hurt make his jaw tense up and chest burn?

A mere thread of self-control kept Ramsay from reacting to the distressed sounds on the other side of the opening door. A thread that soon snapped, burning all his sadistic patience to ash the moment he caught a glimpse of her restrained form thrashing around in panic, her futile attempt to free herself twisting his stomach into knots of pure torture. Bringing with it an overbearing thirst for the boy's last breath. How dare he lay a single finger upon her... and oh, how quickly he would come to regret it.

With his self-control lost beyond reach, Ramsay's rage was the only instinct left. Grabbing the boy by his collar, he pushed him through the door, slamming it shut. Throwing him against the stone wall, the impact knocked all the air from the young lord's chest. From the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of the girl, (YN), her arms and legs fighting to free themselves, and when he turned his head towards her the look of absolute terror in her eyes consumed him. Because he knew that it was not only the boy that put it there... it was him, his presence in that dark and dingy room put it there too. And that knowledge ate at his insides in a very unpleasant way... feeling none of the joy he was accustomed to. Why? Why did she have this power over him... And what was he going to do about it?

Turning back to the boy, he gripped him around the neck, squeezing until the flesh of his cheeks turned red and his eyes grew wide. Leaning down to his ear, Ramsay whispered, his voice low and menacing. "You've made a very stupid mistake, my young lord... You have completely misread my intentions." Squeezing tighter and tighter, he watched the boy fight for air, but released his grip just enough to stop him from losing consciousness, wanting to say one last thing before sending him to sleep, "I'll deal with you later... you will not enjoy it, but I'll make sure that I do... sweet dreams." One final squeeze sent the boy limp, his body sliding down the wall to the floor, a short reprieve before Ramsay sent him on his final journey into permanent darkness. A journey that would be long and filled with unimaginable pain. He would beg for mercy, beg for his life, before finally begging for death. But Ramsay would not grant his wish, would not bring death a moment sooner than necessary, he would die only when his body finally gave up.

Turning his attention to (YN), he felt the air skip roughly through his lungs, her body was no longer thrashing about, but the monopolising fear in her features stung every nerve around his body. Moving towards her with his palms outstretched, Ramsay reached around to loosen the gag that was secured so roughly around her beautiful mouth, detesting the way her body recoiled from his close proximity. When the gag fell to the ground her distressed muffles were no longer contained, moving and bouncing around the damp stone walls as desperate cries and pleas, but he hushed her raising a finger to his lips.

To her credit, she somehow managed to regain her composure, showing that same quiet defiance he first saw in the great hall of Winterfell... and it lit the edges of his heart. With a shaky breath she tried to hide her fear, bravely holding his piercing gaze and spoke. "...Lord Bolton, I... I don't know what I've done... but... but you don't have to hurt me... Just tell me what I did and I... I won't do it again."

Normally he would find such a request, pathetic and weak, he knew that... but he couldn't ignore the way he wanted to soothe her, to take away her fear, keep her safe from the people that wanted to hurt her. To shield her from evil... from his evil.

Crouching down beside her, he reached for her wrists, ignoring the way she flinched as he untied her restraints, "Hurt you?" Shaking his head, he took his dagger from his tunic and cut the tie around her ankles, "Sweet girl... much to my surprise, the thought of hurting you does not appeal to me." Then lifting her to her feet, he ran a gentle thumb across her cheek, his skin tingling under the contact, both his eyes and voice far too intense to bring her any kind of reassurance. "No one is ever going to hurt you... I'm going to make sure of it... Never, will anyone [else] ever touch you again."


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