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Cardinal had told her that she was in big trouble. With much disappointment, he grabbed her wrist and dragged her to his office. He pushed her in there and she looked around. She saw all his awards. "So...what to do with ms potty mouth" He said in a mean tone. "Do whatever what you want to me" She said in defeat. He stands up and crosses his arms. "Well, there is one thing but you wouldn't like it". Laura's mind started swimming with dirty punishments, thus making her face turn red. Cardinal snapped her fingers and she snapped out of it. 

"not THAT type of punishment" He said. "Although, keep acting like that and we'll see" He said in a low voice. "Anyways..." He continued and handed her a paper for a catholic church. She looked up at him and her eyes got teary. "Its the only way, darling." She grabbed onto his robes and cried. "please, Cardi....I don't want to go..." She stuttered a bit. He took the paper and got down in front of her. "Honey, It will be only a few days. How about five days?" In defeat, she nodded. He kissed her forehead. "It won't be so bad, I promise". He gives her his phone number. "Go pack your things, okay?". Again, she just nodded and left.

She goes to her room and cries before packing. How could they do this to her?

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