It's time.

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The day had come. The sun rose and Laura felt her heart leap when she felt Papa Nihil kiss her cheek for maybe the last time. She got up with him and walked him to his horse. She saw the warrior ghouls preparing to go. She grabbed Papa and hugged him tight.

"Don't worry. Everything will be okay" Papa spoke calmly as he got on his horse and rode off. The ghouls followed behind. Laura went back inside to her bedroom. Cardinal was standing there, looking very poetic. Watching his fellow piers ride off. He sighed, not knowing she was behind him. She intertwined her fingers with his.

"Are you okay?" He asked concerned.
"I will be when he returns"
"War could last hours, days, weeks..." Laura could sense he was more nervous than she was.

"Relax, Cardinal." She said. "Why don't we take our minds off of it-" She was cut off.

"I can't take this...that man helped me become the Cardinal! If he dies, I die with him!" He shouted.

"What are you implying?!" She said nervous.

"I'm implying that if he doesn't come back...I will no longer be here..."

"You are not leaving...I won't let you..." Laura sat down on his bed. Cardinal paced the room. His face lit up with an idea.

"Come on. I have armour" He had now insisted he fought...or they fought.

"I won't do it"

"This war is your fault" He said in a monotone. Laura couldn't believe her love thinks it's her fault too.

"Just go Mr. Copia" She said trying to fight tears. Without saying a word, he left. He simply left...She couldn't believe it.

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