Remain Calm

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They got home around 2 am. Laura was wide awake and couldn't move a muscle. Cardinal actually had to carry her inside. 

"Let's just have a little sleepover tonight, right?" He said trying to lighten the mood. Usually spending the night with him would fill her with delight, but she was frozen sitting on his bed. Cardinal got behind her and rubbed her shoulders. She melted under his touch and instantly relaxed. She leaned back on his chest. 

"It will be okay as long you remain calm" He said in a quiet voice. Laura hated hearing that and got up. 

"How can I be okay when we are about to fucking go to war!" She yelled. 

"Please lower your voice. Why don't we watch a movie?" Cardinal said in a calm voice. 

Laura stood there for a few minutes. She started to pace his room. After a while, she quickly turned to Cardinal.  She swallowed hard before speaking. 

"What if I go to war...?" She said shaking. "After all, my church shouldn't have to fight a battle that I caused..." 

Cardinal got out of bed faster than she could blink. He pulled her to his chest. She could hear his heartbeat. It was racing. 

"I can not lose you..." He said as he got to her eye level. "Papa Nihil and our ghouls have trained for years and years. War is no place for an 18 year old girl" He spoke calmly. 

Laura couldn't think of anything to say. She just nodded. Eventually, Laura fell asleep on his bed. She heard his alarm go off, but it wasn't for him, it was for her. Cardinal was getting dressed in his black suit. 

"Come on, darling. I've got your clothes out. We have an hour before going back" He said kind of panicked. 

"W-we?" She said waking up. 

"Yes. Papa Nihil, Sister Imperator, you and I" He said while struggling with his buttons. 

Laura's heart stopped. Sister would kill her. That's like her mother. 

"When you're done, I've made you breakfast to help you calm down." He said leaving the room. 

She stared at her clothes as her heart raced. 

"This won't be good" She spoke to herself. 

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