Day two

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After a night of insults, she cried herself to sleep. She still had his phone number and that's all she has left of him. She woke up early the next day and called him. He picked up right away. 

"Everything okay..." He couldn't get the words out his mouth. 

"NO THEY TOOK MY THINGS!" She cried. He started speaking in a calm voice. 

"My darling, breathe in and out, pray if you need to, and just relax. I have a surprise for you when you get back, honey." He spoke sweetly. She got calm quickly. 

"Thank you...I guess I just needed to here your voice..." She said blushing.  She heard his cute laugh and he spoke again. 

"Just take it easy for me okay? I'll see you when you get home. I love you, honey"  That is the first time he's said I love you to her. 

"I-i love you too, Cardi..." She said stuttering her words. She heard him chuckle and hang up as did she. She decided to stay up. A few hours later, the two sisters that insulted her came back to wake her up. 

"I guess being a mistake keeps your mind going all night, huh?" The sister laughed. Laura rolled her eyes before speaking. 

"I don't understand why you're insulting me, ladies" She said as calm as possible. 

"Because, we know your story. Little ms anger issues" The sister said in a mocking tone. Laura perked up and stood up as she kept eye contact with her. 

"Say it again" Laura challenged her.

"Little. Ms. Anger issues" The sister snapped. Laura was about to rear back her hand to plant a slap on her face until she saw the father behind them. He had heard everything. 

"Come with me, you two" He said as the sisters turned around scared and followed. Laura sighed in relief and sat on the bed. A few hours passed and Laura heard a knock. 

"Enter..." She said kind of scared. The two sisters entered as Laura growled at them. 

"Sorry..." One muttered and the other did as well.  The father was behind them and she looked at him. 

"Father, what is the point of a forced apology?" She asked mocking them a bit. 

"It stops them. Because they know that if they proceed with this bad behavior, they will be kicked out. Simple, like baseball, three strikes and you're out" He said happily as he left them with her yet again.  One of them looked at her and growled. 

"Tonight, in the garden, you and me. We settle this how we settle things here" She turned around and left. Laura's body shook with fear. She could easily die. She's 23 and Laura is 18...All Laura could do is wait and watch the clock. 

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