the journey before the destination

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The last few weeks of school went by quickly.

"You passed?" Lisa asked in an insultingly disbelieving tone that Jisoo totally ignored as she was laughing like a lunatic in triumph, she's even waving around her test papers in front of Lisa's face, all of which says she did pass her exams, just very barely, but a pass is a pass.

Jungkook was at his seat, watching Lisa's annoyed but fond expression in amusement, as Jisoo kept laughing like a lunatic, oblivious to the weird looks she's getting from the rest of the class that she just trespassed.

"Bwahahahhahaha!" Jisoo's happiness at passing still hasn't passed even after 5 minutes.

Lisa spent the five minutes looking over the test papers she grabbed from Jisoo's hand, she checked the scores, and then she passed them to Jungkook.

Jungkook looked them over, "Why is she acting like she got a perfect score? All her scores are at 30s out of 60." He commented.

"Because she passed. If she got a perfect score.. She'll probably lose conciousness. And so will her mother." Lisa explained absentmindedly. "I'm quite certain that the last time she got a perfect score was in kindergarten, for colouring. But don't tell her I told you that. Let's just pretend to be happy for her achievement of overcoming the struggle of exams."

He grinned at her advice. "Okay."

"And don't tell her that our average score is at 50s." Lisa added. "Let's clap."

They clapped and Jisoo bowed and grabbed the seat of one of their classmates without permission. "Thank you, thank you." She beamed at them and waved to their classmates who were not even her classmates. They stopped clapping shortly. "Now we are all set for summer! Are you both packed? We're staying there for a week atleast."

Jungkook nodded, his bag has been packed for a week.

Lisa started muttering about anti sun necessities. "Hoodies, scarf, sunglasses, rash guard.. Am I forgetting something?" She gasped in panic and turned to Kookie, "Sunblock?"

He gasped too, imitating her, before he grinned. "Packed." A classmate, who can't help overhearing, started asking him about his summer plans and his attention was diverted.

The two girls were left talk.

"Your teacher left your class alone too?" Lisa asked.

"Uh-huh. It's the last day of school afterall, the students wanna chill and the teachers wanna chill as well. If they could have beer in the faculty room they'd probably be drinking in celebration of not seeing us pests until next term begins." She paused. "Maybe they do have beer in there! I've been summoned there lots of times and they have their own fridge and I should have checked and grabbed some. What do you think beer tastes like?"

Lisa maintained a carefully blank expression.

Jisoo stared at her face, eyes narrowed and then they grew bigger and wider. "Why you littleㅡ you've gone and bought and tried some, without me, haven't you?" She accused. "How dare you?"

"I'm afraid I can neither confirm nor deny this accusation." Lisa said evenly. "Although I seem to recall buying a bunch of groceries against my will and I may or may not have slipped a pack of beer in there."

"You could have shared some with me you sneaky little beer drinker." Jisoo said, impressed. "But no matter, I am of legal age and my mother won't be there so I can buy and drink all the beer I want when we get there. I'll even share some with you, if you ask nicely and beg me on your knees. But not Jungoo, his birthday's in September, he's still underage." She said the word underage like it's some kind of a foul affliction.

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