Chapter 26

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Darius watched the men as they sparred with one another, blade wringing against blade and sparks being flung into the air. The two combatants were as different as night and day, but they seemed to be evenly matched. The dark haired man was one from the Tower garrison and the blonde was from his own forces that he'd brought with him. Both were fighting hard, but neither one seemed able to triumph over the other. No matter the move the other always had a counter or parry for it.

At least I know my soldiers aren't the only ones so rigorously trained he thought to himself sardonicaly and shook his head. As much as he wanted to get into the sparring he couldn't. There had been word from Blackreach that there had been a meeting between the Lord's and the King. The outcome was more soldiers on the way to Three Towers from the other cities in Star. There was no order of what he was supposed to be after that though. He didn't know if he was supposed to be marching or holding in place. He supposed that one of those forces would know what the King intended, likely the one from Blackreach itself.

The Lord General heard movement from behind him and he looked over his shoulder. He almost sighed put loud once he saw Cale Locke step out onto the veranda with him, but he fought to keep the annoyance off of his face. There was little doubt in his mind what the man wanted. It would be the same as it had been for days. He was going to urge him to march on the Gaal border as he had for days now.

It was starting to grow old and he tired of being told what he should do while waiting for lawful orders.

"Good evening Lord General." Cale called to him with a wide smile on his face as he approached him. He stopped beside him on the porch, looking down into the field. He smiled at the sight of the soldiers sparring. "They are quite good, our soldiers."

Darius looked over at the man. "What do you want commander?" he asked wearily, already knowing what his answer was going to answer. "If you've come to discuss your plans for moving on the border I'll tell you once more: we remain here until the Prince says otherwise."

The commander shook his head. "Stern as usual eh?" he asked and shook his head. "While it would be good to speak about such a thing especially considering the fact that we are being reinforced with thousands of more soon I have other things on my mind." He waved to the ring where the two men were sparring. "Like this. Both of our men seem to be on equal par with one another."

The Lord General narrowed his eyes on the man. He found it hard to believe the man hadn't come to bother about moving in this war, but he suspected something else. He looked around at the yard, noting how large it was. All of his men were gathered there and the men of the Three Towers were gathered as well. The Tower soldiers outnumbered his own by more than double he would guess, but that didn't matter. They were one army, one Nation, one people. Locke and his soldiers weren't the enemy. He felt a tingle of something move through his spine then.

"What are you getting at commander?" Darius asked, his suspicion never leaving his voice. He didn't even try to hide it from the other man. There was no point at this moment. There was something going on and he needed to know right away. That was what his instincts were telling him anyway.

Cale shook his hand and clapped a hsmd on the General's shoulder, squeezimg it. "If only you had listened to my council. You could've lead Star to a great victory." He said with what sounded like regret in his voice. "But now my masters have ordered me to remove you from the situation and assume control. I have no choice you see." Darius opened his mouth to respond, but all that came out was a low groan filled with pain. He looked down and saw the dagger that had stabbed him in the chest, right where his heart was. Already blood was gushing from the wound and he shook his head, unable to believe what he was seeing. His eyes moved up to the other man and he looked serious. "I truly am sorry for this General."

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