Chapter 5

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Mako sat in his bedroom, staring out his window at the darkness of the city. The moon was high in the air, but since it was a waning moon it wasn't shining that much light. He'd left the Green Shield Inn and snuck back into the palace. If it weren't for his early training in stealth he would've worried about the seeming ineptness of the Royal Order.

The Prince had undressed down to his smallclothes, but he still had one more meeting to take care of. He'd gotten word to a messenger to have his sister meet him in his room so they could talk about what he'd found. He was sure that she would come immediately.

Less than five minutes later he heard a knock on the door. He turned to look at the door, sure that it was his sister. "Enter." he called out in monotone.

A second later the door opened and the slender frame of his sister stepped into the room. Drianna was dressed in a stark grey slweping gown which covered her from neck to thigh and soft matching velvet slippers on her feet.

"Brother?" Drianna asked, astonished by his change of looks. She stepped closer to him, her hand coming up to touch the rigid scar over his eye. She shook her head. "Where did this scar come from? Why did you cut your hair?"

The Heir gripped her wrist and stepped back away from her. "It's not real." he told her and stared into her eyes. A confused look came to her face. He touched the scar on his face. "The scar is fake. An arcane trick. But I really did cut my hair."

"But why?"

He raised an eyebrow at her. "You really need me to tell you why?" he asked astonished that she wouldn't have figured it out on her own.

The Princess stood there for a moment looking at him; just looking at him. Then she let loose a small laugh and she shook her head. "It's so obvious. I feel like a halfwit." she replied, mirth burning in her eyes. "Of COURSE you can't look like your double. Questions would be raised if they saw the both of you. Questions we can't afford."

Mako smiled and silently applauded his sister for her quick mind. Of course she would figure it out once she actually thought about it in depth. She was a Starcrown after all and not a single one of them were fools. "Would you like to know what I've learned?" he asked and watched as her face completely changed. It lit up, becoming highly interested in what he had to say.

"Tell me everything." Drianna told him as she walked over to his bed and sat down, her hands in her lap. "Have you figured out who was behind father's death yet?"

The Prince shook his head. "Your getting ahead of yourself sister. I do have a name though. One I recognize, but I can't remember why. I thought maybe you would remember it being that your well versed in the names of the courts." he told her in all honesty.

Her brow furrowed, but the Princess nodded her head. "What is it then?" she asked eagerly, hoping to be of some help.

Instead of answering he produced the map of Star and handed it to her. She took it in ginger hands, examining the map for a moment before looking up at him, confusion written across her face.

"This is a map of the Nation. Where did you get a name from this?" Drianna asked and lifted the paper up to him.

"Look at the back. Bottom right corner."

She looked at him for a moment and then did as he bid her. Once she saw the name she looked up at him, her lips pursed. "Kane Hawk? Thats the name?" she asked in a confused voice.

Mako nodded his head. "That's the name. You sound like you know it." he commented. His tone grew deadly serious. "Who is he?"

The Princess sat the map down on top of the bed and nodded her head. "I know the name alright." she said, her confidence shining in the room like a bright light. "Kane Hawk is the Lord Steward of Snowcore."

The Prince started, unable to hide his surprise. He ran a hand over his clean shaven jaw, frowning at the implications. Snowcore was the capital city of Galtea, the Nation to the north of Star. The Gaals were raiders at heart, constantly sending parties of men and women into other countries, looting and plundering to their hearts content. They had tried the same many times against Star, but they had been thrown back time and time again without success. After awhile, the raiders had finally given up, and because of that, they'd had peace from the raiders for the last twenty five years. However, it seemed like a conflict was on the horizon with the Gaals if an important person like the Lord Steward of Snowcore had detailed a map for an assassin who killed the King of Star. That could mean that even the King of Galtea, Dante Battle, was the one actually behind it and that could cause war.

"This could be big. This could be the preamble to war." Mako said quietly, his voice coming out as a rasp. He looked up at her, his eyes hard. "I need you to do me a favor sister. It's very important."

The Princess sat forward eagerly, listening attentively. "What can I do brother? I'll make sure it's done." she told him genuinely.

"Two things." Mako replied, rubbing a hand over his face. "First, I need you to instruct Dane to have our armies at the ready, fully armed and armored, ready to march. And second, I need you to find our brother. "

"Drakani?" Drianna asked, confused by this request.

The Prince nodded his head. "Yes, Drakani. If we're going to war I want our brother beside us." he told the youngest Starcrown in a serious voice. They would need Drakani if they were going to war.

"I'll try my best, but no one knows where he is. No one has seen him in a long time." Drianna replied as she stood up from the bed.

"That's because they haven't tried either. Father allowed Drake to stay hidden. I won't. I need him at my side." Mako replied seriously. "I want you to send word to our spies throughout the nine cities to be on the lookout for our brother. He's a sellsword. He would be noticed. I want to know where he is and I want him here with us."

The Princess smiled and nodded her head. "It shall be done, my King." she teased and gave him a mocking curtsy. She wasn't being mean or rude. She was being a sister, and while she aggravated him sometimes, she was nothing if not capable.

"Just get going." Mako told her with a laugh.

"One question, brother." Drianna stopped and looked back at him. There was a concerned look on her face. "While I'm doing what you bid me, what are you going to be doing?"

The Prince winced. He'd hoped to get her out before she could ask that question. Because he knew what would happen if he answered that question honestly. She would fear for him and demand that he take a guard with him, but she would know that he couldn't. However, he wouldn't lie to her either.

"To get to the bottom of this, I'm going to Snowcore. I need to know why a map drawn by the Lord Steward was in the possession of an assassin." Mako told her, his voice brooking no argument. She stared at him for a moment. She looked like she wanted to say something, but instead she nodded her head.

"Be careful brother. The Gaals aren't easy opponents and there's nothing easy about their terrain either." Drianna told him calmly.

The Prince smiled. "That's why I plan on hiring a guide once I get in country. A sellsword preferably, but I'll make due." he told her with a shrug of his broad shoulders. He saw her concerned look and he smiled reassuringly. "You have nothing to worry about sister. I'll come back. Someone has to take up the role of King and keep the Nation running."

He turned away from her, letting her know that she was dismissed. She walked out of the room, closing the door behind her quietly. He walked back to the window, staring out at the city. Soon he would be gone from here, the city of his birth. He would travel across the border and enter Galtea. Thankfully Blackreach was the northern most city of Star so he wouldn't take that long to enter Galtea. Once there he could hire a guide to take him to Snowcore and he could get through with the next phase of the investigation. He could hardly wait. He dreaded what would happen, but he wanted to know the truth. If the King had anything to do with the death of his father, he would make sure it was exposed and declare war.

He didn't want that to happen. War brought the deaths of thousanda and he didn't want that on his concience. However, if the King of Galtea had had his father assassinated, he would be sure to go through with it anyway. He didn't want war, but if that was what it came to, he woukd engage Galtea in it and utterly destroy them.

He owed his father that much.

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