what brings us together

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A few days later

It was a Saturday which meant no patrols or training so we got to chill out at home, today would hopefully be a day without fights or sibling rivalry. Hopefully. I emerged from the doorway glad for the day ahead, and realised I was the first up, not even Leo. It had been a rough week for all of us but they're older than me, so they had more stuff they could do to entertain their shells, me, I wasn't allowed on the surface, it's only when my brain goes dead that I go up there but otherwise, there's not much I can do.

I made my way to the dojo getting impatient and started fighting the punching bag, normally they were up by now, what was keeping them? I found a basketball and decided to have a game, because I was a feline, I could jump higher so I could reach the hoop even though others my age couldn't. I sprung off the floor and threw the ball into the metal hoop as I landed on the ring with my tail curled around it. I heard someone roll of their bed and got off the ring quickly. I hid behind the counter in the kitchen watching if anyone came out, I stared as Mikey trudged out and watched my ball roll "Raph! You left the ball out again!" I held my breath.

Soon enough Raph trudged out, this was getting serious. I stood and skipped out "Wait! Actually it was me. I was having a game before you came out" I took the ball from his hands "can I finish or are we gonna wake up everyone else?" Mikey looked at Raphael who just folded his arms "not without me sis!" I threw the ball up in the air and waited for him to catch it "you going down!" I smiled "you first?" Raph looked at me confused "I don't know, I was never good at comebacks" I tried to block him as he went to move past me.

We noticed that it wasn't just Raph that was umpiring, Leo had joined him grinning. The only one not here was D. It felt weird to be the centre of attention, normally it was Leo or they were on a patrol so no one was the attention drawer. It felt like a stand off in the Wild West, both of us standing there waiting for the other to move "So is anyone gonna make a move?" I looked at raph and put my right foot forward causing Mikey to put his back. I took my foot back and placed it to the right of me, mikey did the opposite and put his to the left.

It went on like this for a while trying to catch the other. I finally worked out what he was doing and lifted my left foot then made it look like I was gonna step forward but just as mikey put his foot down, I put mine behind me "looks like your gonna be the first to make a move" he suddenly looked scared "oh c'mon, it's not like I'm gonna win" I gave him confidence and just to help him, turned my left paw so the top of my foot was flat against the floor. He smiled and sprinted forward and as he was about to go around me, I stole the ball from my hands then I continued 'his journey' to the metal loop but instead of scoring, I handed it back to him "go on, enjoy it" he grinned and professionally threw it through the hoop.

I clapped as the ball hit the floor "Aw yea! Take that pussy cat!" I giggled and pinched my ears to look more like a house cat then swung my tail. I was suddenly consumed in a hug by my brothers, it made me think about how we'd all come together. Of course I knew we didn't all come at once or together but there isn't much sensei told me about. Just that I was given to him as a baby or kitten. I don't know which you would call it. After a little, we separated and went to eat, or they did, I just relaxed in my room drawing with my awesome music just louder than background noise.

Later on while Leo was chilling watching space heroes and for some reason Mikey was chewing his comic and not reading it, I snuck Lyla into my room via the tunnels of course. She was ranting on about how some boy I had a crush on had returned to town and that I should go talk to him, which is never going to happen. Years ago I met this wolf mutant boy called 'max', or at least that's what he called himself, but his voice made me chill "girl! you have to talk to him!" I scoffed and rocked on my bed "I don't think I can do that Ly, you've heard him" she took my hands in hers and perched on the bed "and that's why you have to do it, K! He's waiting for you to cat-up and get your act together then...ask." i shook my head vigorously and chewed my lip "nope...not happening. I can hardly talk to Raph, talking to Max is out of the question" my head jerked up as I heard a set of footsteps rush away from my door. The fight not to get up was a struggle "i'm not gonna do it, not gonna do it. Could've been just a mouse?" Lyla glanced at me then the door "Unless mice have suddenly lost two legs and gained a 'lot' of weight, it wasn't a mouse. Anyway I should probably go before they break your door and condemn you to this part of the sewer for the rest of your nine lives" I chuckled and watched her dash into the dark cove and away into the night, hopefully whoever overheard chose to keep it to themselves, or I would never hear the end of this. Before anymore could be said or done, I tucked myself into bed and curled up tightly as numerous things flooded through my mind.

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