Retalitaion station

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As we walked

There was one thing about the place we were going to that I knew but wouldn't tell the guys, to even walk in the door, there's a price. Once your done in there, you have to sit down in front of this 'tarot card lemur' and they'll tell you how you pay for your visit. It's never money, things like fighting in an area or a race, one of the cards holds a death sentence so I'm risking everything just to make these guys happy.

There was a rule with the door, I had between twenty two and seventy eight seconds to knock and tell the 'door master' the password which was 'to live my life' in Spanish so 'Vivir mi Vida'. If they managed to turn over all the cards before I gained my entrance, death sentence. I knocked my knuckles against the door rapidly "Vivir mi Vida"

I jumped as the hatch in the metal slid open "you know the 'price'?" I nodded hurriedly "you wanna 'pay' now or later?" I glanced back at my brothers "later" I strolled in as the door swung open, the door was about to close them out when I put my hand out "they're with me" the ferret narrowed his eyes at me "it'll 'cost' you extra?"

I nodded calmly now that my life wasn't so much on the line as it was before "I'm well aware. Let them in, they want words with 'max'" I weaved my way through the compacted crowd with the loud music, the volume was so high i had no choice but to cover my ears. We finally reached the mutt's office, I was really starting to hate this guy. I pressed down on the door handle and let Leo walk in instead of me, then raph and Donnie then finally mikey and myself. I found the dog spinning around on his leather 'boss' chair "Gentlemen, welcome"

His eyes eyes went to me causing me to look away "you know we had a good thing going, kitty cat" I shivered and shook my head "Lyla and you had a 'good' thing going, I was just her moral support" I looked at Leo "I'll be outside if you need anything, I just can't deal with 'this'll I gestured to the wolf in the chair who was smirking at me.

I walked out and closed the door behind me. The wall was what I leaned against as I hugged myself looking down "K?" I glanced up to see the cat herself, Lyla looked confused "Hey, the guys wanted information from your boyfriend" she glanced at the door then at me "you look exhausted. I take it they don't know about the 'price'?"

I shook my head "they can't ever know I was in the arena, I'm thirteen, I shouldn't even know what an 'arena' is" I looked back down as the door opened again and 'max' stepped out then started flirting with Lyla who absorbed every word like a sponge, I made a gagging expression as my brothers walked out.

Mikey glanced at me then at max "so something did happen between you two!" I shook my head and gave a 'cut it out' gesture. I walked out the door with them behind me "you need help with paying up?" I shook my head again "I've got it covered"

they why were about walk away when I thought of something "was it worth it? Talking to him I mean" Leo gave me a strange look "why? Something you wanna tell us?" I shrugged "curiosity? Just answer the question" they all glanced at each other "we got what we needed, don't worry" I looked back at the door "that's not what I'm worried about. 'The price', it isn't money" 

He suddenly realised what I was hinting at and rushed forward as I dashed inside and slammed the door closed, I could hear banging on the door and closed my eyes "I'm sorry, but this is something I have to do" did I want this to be how our last interaction went? No of course not, but there wasn't much I do in the matter except follow the rules

As I forced myself to step away, kicks and calls of my name could be heard. I was almost sure I wasn't coming out of this fight alive, but at least they won't have to watch and feel it was their fault.

The ring tailed lemur appeared and held up the tarot card that I was indeed going to fight in the ring "the combat awaits you child" I snatched the card from her hand "call me 'child' again, and I'll be wearing your tail as a scarf, got it?" She gulped and nodded as I tucked the card into my belt and strode past her to the ring...

One way in, one way out...

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