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okay so hey. tis a new book. it's about jaegan clearly and at the time i'm writing this, i haven't picked a title yet lmaoo. so yeha.

so raegan: he's a normal kid. he's bisexual. he is trans. he has a girlfriend right now named Eva. him and jay hate each other but they have mutual friends so they're forced to hang out. (this book is mainly about they're friendship growing) (they get together later hehe) raegan is 16. he has top and bottom surgery. his favorite color is black. he plays football and he's the quarter back. he is basically top dog of the school and everyone is scared of him and respects him. he makes good grades even though he goofs off in class.

Eva: she's ok. she's bisexual. she's cis. she's dating raegan. she's 16. her favorite color is red. she plays volleyball and is best friends with kenna. people respect her because of raegan. she makes good grades and is okay in class.

justin: he's also a normal kid. he's gay. he's trans. he's single. he's 16. he has top surgery. his favorite color is blue. he used to play basketball but he hurt his knee and he wears a brace on it now. he's very quiet and people bully him but nothing too bad. he has perfect grades and and stays quiet in class.

kalvin(kale)[: he's ehh. he's bisexual. he's trans. he has a girlfriend named kenna. he's 15. he has top and bottom surgery. his favorite color is red. he plays football with raegan and he's the running back. people respect him but aren't afraid of him. he has okay grades and messes around in class.

jack: he's weird. he's gay. he's trans. he is single. he's 16 he has top surgery. his favorite color is green. he doesn't play sports. people dont respect him but also don't bully him. he has good grades and is okay in class.

kenna: she's normal. she's straight. she's cis. she is dating kalvin. she is 16. her favorite color is yellow. she plays volleyball. she is respected only because she's with kale. she has perfect grades and doesn't mess around.

ryan: he's okay. he's gay. he's trans. he has a boyfriend named aryn. he is 16. his favorite color is white. he doesn't play sports. he's respected kind of. he has top surgery. he has okay grades and is okay in class.

aryn: he's eh. he's gay. he's trans. he's dating ryan. he's 16. his favorite color is green. he doesn't play sports. he's kinda respected. he's okay in class and makes okay grades.

that's it for now lol. if any of you guys wanna be in the story, comment your age, name, gender, sexuality

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