Say What?

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Later that day when I woke up I was starving. I was still cramping but my body needed food. Making my way down town... I mean out my bed I went and cracked the door open.

"What does that even mean?"She heard Sam asked loudly making her stop from walking full out her room.

"Later" Billy said I peeked out the door to see my prant in the living room looking at her door. I grinned at him making him chuckle as Sam turned around and looked at me. "Yes pumkin?"

"I need food?" He rolled around the sofa and up to me laughing I set on his lap and he wheeled us both into the kitch. Sam chuckled at us before going to the ice box pulling my food out for me. I moved to the table running my hand through my messy hair. I must me a site. Hair a mess in my pjs.

"You got the rest of the week off your dad wants you to stay here tell at least Friday Sunday at the most.

"I know the drill Prant" I said as I sent a smile to Sam who set the heated up food in front of me.

As I started eatting they made there way back to the front room and started talking hushed tone. I stood and made my way closer to try and hear having a feeling they are talking about me.

"She your imprint Sam she was made for you." Prant said in a hush tone.

"It to dangerouse for her this world." I made a face wondering what they was talking about. What the hell is a imprint and who is his imprint?

"You be surpise how strong Soraya truely is." Prant told him making my eyes widen. So they are talking about me. I moved back and went back to my food that set on the table. Not long later they came back to the kitchen as I set there nibbling on my food. I notice Sam had my spirit bottle in hand so I went to reach for it but instead he walked to the fridge and changed it out for a cold one.

"Thanks" I hate when I am not feeling good and people have to help me. Though I have learn some time it best to let other help also.

"I uh going to head out if you both need anything just give me a call." Sam was looking more at me then my prant and I could feel a slight blush form on my cheek. I think he saw also because a smile spread across his face. Once he left I looked at my prant. He sighed and crossed his arms with a knowing look.

"How much did you hear." I gave him I'm sorry look.

"What a imprint Prant?" He sighed and looked at me disappointly as I looked down.

"That not for me to explain Pumkin in time you will understand just be patient."

"SHORTY" Jacob yelled as he made his way into the house making me laugh. He hugged me then went hunt for food to eat.

"How was school?" Jacob glanced back at his dad.

"Good good. Like any other day dad." I picked up the closes thing I could grab and throw it at him making him laugh as it missed. I happen to of grabbed my sprite bottle. He picked it up took a sip then set it back down.

"Sprites are for her. Sam got them today after she ask for some." I looked towards Prant.

"He bought my drinks?" He just smiled and rolled out the room. Jacob looked at me oddly.

"How Bella" Jacob ask sitting across me with his heated up left overs.

"She hates me for some reason." I frown and pushed food around my plate as Jacob watched me.

"I dout that who could hate you? Did you have a episode again?"

"Yep"I said popping the p. Jacobs use to me having them that doesn't mean he like it. Who the hell would like to see there bestfriend in pain. Once we finish eatting he helped me back to the rooms.

The next day Jacob had school again. Around lunch time Sam stopped by with some soup from Sue and some of my favorite cookies. Billy was watching a game in the living room so I made my way to the kitchen with him.

"Little birdy told me the way to your heart is peanutbutter cookies."He said with a grin I gasp.

"You have my cookies" He chuckled at my excitement as he pulled out some home made cookies. "Made them last night thought it might help."I smiled up at him as I took one.

"There really good thank you" He smiled and got us some bowles down. I kept stealing cookies.

"Your not going to have room for the soup."I grinned and set the last cookie I was bout to grab down. The rest of the week and weekend he stopped by every day. I didn't ask about what I heard but I am sure he knew thanks to prant. Sunday he the one who brought me home. We had become friends over the week of him spending time with me.

"I'm a miss not seeing you every day" I told him. he sent me a small smile.

"Who said you still can't see me every day. Ill pick you up from school tomorrow." I laughed and hugged him as we pulled into my drive way. Bella and mine truck set in the drive way and I sighed at the sight.

"Want to come in for a little?"

"No I should head back. Call me if you need anything." He said looking at his hands that layed on the wheel.

"Even if it just some one to talk to?" I couldn't help but grin as I saw him doing the same.

"Even then.I will see you tomorrow" I hugged him before stepping out of his truck.

"No more falling on people either your hear me." He called making me groan and blush. He will never let me live down me falling on him like I did.

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